Some doors aren't meant to be opened

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Lafayette, Indiana
Three weeks later

Amy's POV

"Come on sweetheart. It's time to go home." My mother's soft voice echoes through the church.

I look up from the bible in my lap. That bible I've pretending reading in for hours now. There's nothing new in it anyway. I've read all of it a million times in the past. Over and over again.

And still my father thinks that reading it AGAIN, would somehow save my soul.
It's almost three weeks now.
Three weeks of pretending.

Doing almost everything to make them think I'm still their little puppet.
Fake smiles, fake tears and fake remorse. I should've been used to be back by now but I'm not. I don't think I will ever be.

Too much has changed. I have changed.
And all attempts of the reverend beating the church girl back into me are a fucking waste of time. I will never be that girl again.

"Amy! Come on now..." I hear my father's harsh order.

"Coming." I call and shut the bible before getting up.

For a second the sun makes me blink when I exit the church and a light summer breeze moves the skirt of the yellow sundress I'm wearing.
Fuck. I look ridiculous.
Even my hair is tied up into a French braid.
Everything just to pretend to be someone I'm not.

I may look like that church girl but I'm not. Not anymore. I'm silent on our way back home. I'm mostly silent these days.
There's just not much for me to say. Despite the fact that nobody will listen to what I have to say anyway.

"Here we are: Home sweet home." Mom says cheerily as she pulls up the driveway.

I almost snort at the wrongness of that word. That house should've been my home for years but it just feels very wrong.
They say 'home is where the heart is'.
I guess it's true because there is no fucking heart in this house. Not even mine, because I'm pretty sure I left it with Nikki.

I swallow the lump in my throat and step out of the car. Every time I get near that house, it gives me the fucking chills. Nothing is right here and never has been. How in hell did I manage to live here all those years?

I can't believe my brother send me home to that hell. I can't believe he send me home to him. He knew what's going on in that house and still he send me back. And I had no other choice than crawling back and begging for forgiveness because I've nowhere else to go.
I will never forgive him for that.

Nikki's POV

"Where is that motherfucker?" I hear Axl yell before he storms into the lounge of the bus, finding me lying on the couch.
I've been avoiding him for a few days in order to cool things down a little, but I'm not really sure it really helped.
He blinks confused before he puts up his usual mask of rejection. Not that I fucking care.

"These idiots scheduled us for seven." He yells angrily, waving his hands towards the door. All I can come up with is a crocked brow.

"Do something, Sixx! You're the fucking tour manager for god's sake."

I slowly pull the bottle of Jack towards my lips, taking a big swig.

"Be happy you're even playing." I shrug, raising the bottle towards him to say cheers. "Have a great show."

I can't help but chuckle at the sight of Axl. He is so fucking angry, I'd bet that if I could wind him up a little more, he'll be blowing steam out of his ears at some point. I'd love to see that.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя