A win-win situation

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Izzy's POV

This is the biggest shit I got myself into lately.
Cut that, it's the biggest shit Nikki and Axl got me in.
I can't believe I'm in jail again.

MJ is gonna kick my ass. And then she's gonna cry and ask me if I don't love her or the baby enough to stop this shit and just grow up.
And I'll do anything just to make her smile again.
Yeah, I'm pussy whipped. So what?
I fucking love that woman.

"Jeffrey Dean Isbell." A fat cops says, walking in and placing a folder in front of me.

He watches me for a second.

"Anything to say about that incident at the preacher's house?"

"I didn't do shit." I just hiss at him.

"What were you doing there boy?" He asks.

I shrug, "Just visiting a friend."

I have no fucking idea why they are questioning me now. First of all: I didn't do anything. Second: Why in hell are they treating us like we fucking killed someone?
The cop taps on the folder in front of me. I have a really bad feeling about this.

"Interesting record from LA here, boy. Drug possession and distribution? Illegal possession of firearms?" He whistles. "Is there something you'd like to tell me?"

"I'm clean." I say, rolling my eyes. "And you guys searched very thoroughly and didn't find anything, did you?"

"Yeah, but maybe you're selling your junk in my town, boy. Do you?" He looks at me firmly.

Oh, Jesus fucking Christ. Is this fucker serious?

"Come on, why in hell would I come to Lafayette to sell drugs? I can get rid of them on dozens of corners in LA, man."

"Just maybe you're ambitious son. Maybe you're expanding. I'm sure there would be no better spot to expand to than your home town. Right?"

I lightly snort. "I'm not a fucking dealer alright?"

"Then why are you here? Why were you at the Reverend's house? Who hit him? Which hit him first?"

Jesus fucking Christ at the questions being thrown on me all at once. My head feels like it's going to fucking explode. I need a fucking cigarette. Fuck that, I need a drink. A lot of fucking drinks. I sigh, "Look it's nothing but family drama, right?"

"Well they may call it family drama in Los Angeles, Mr. drug dealing rock star, but here in Lafayette we call it crime." HI believe you know quite well what crime is boy."

"Look man," I take a breath trying to keep it together and not blow up, "Our bosses are like these rich assholes that could come in with a whole team of lawyers. They'd sue the city of Lafayette, and they would win. The always win. With enough money things like this...go away. Well we all have it like that...lots of money to make shit disappear."

"Well then boy, if you have so much money, then why the hell haven't you bought some decent clothes or got a haircut?"

"I want my phone call," I say flatly.

"Well tough titty," he smirks at me.

"You've had us here for fucking hours man. We get a phone call. Nobody got a call. I want my fucking call. You wanna be a dick and make me wait just because you fucking can...fine. I can sit my ass right here and wait. Know why? Because my lawyers will take all that time I was denied my phone call, add it up, multiply it by X and divide it into three...so whatever." I just look at him and shrug. I do probably sound a bit arrogant. But fuck this bastard.

"I want to know what happened tonight boy!" He shouts in my face. I just smirk up at him. "Well if your dumb ass thought about it for a second you'd see my point about giving me that phone call. I by law don't have to say one fucking word to you. Not until my attorney is present...That is the way it works here in Lafayette, right? So logically it would make more sense to get my lawyer here. Then I could gladly answer any questions you have," I again shrug at him.

I can see his expression changing. I wonder if he was mad I was keeping it together when he was hoping to catch a rise out of me? Or was he mad because I was right?

I crack a smile at him. "How' bout that phone call man? Win win situation for everybody."

This guy looked like he was ready to explode. He grabs me by my arm and lifts me from the chair, drags me down the hall, and into a room with a phone in it. He shoves me down in another chair. "There you go sir," he says in a condescending tone and walks out of the room shutting the door.

I stare down at the phone before me. My chest feels heavy. I do not want to make this fucking call. I reach up with my hands cuffed together and lift the receiver. I lay hold it with one hand and start pushing touch tone buttons. I lift the receiver to my ear and hear it ringing. My heart starts racing.


It's been so long since I've heard my mother's voice. I'm a bit taken back by just the sound of it.

"Hello?" She asks again.

I know I better say something before she hangs up. "Mom..."

"Jeff? Jeff is that you?" She asks.

"Yeah mom...it's me," I sigh.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now