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Nikki's POV

An impenetrable cloud of crimson was all the fuck I could see as my feet carried me off in search of that motherfucker, Axl. I can hear Izzy following me and trying to talk me down. But I can't see shit but red. In the back of my mind I see Axl's death at my hand playing out in my head, in at least a dozen different ways.

"No, Nikki wait," Izzy calls out to me as he storms out the door on my heels. "Calm down Sixx. You can't kill him!"

But his words fall on completely deaf ears right now. When I finally find that motherfucker, he's leaning against the tour bus sweet-talking some groupies.
He drops his cigarette, killing it with his heel before he looks at me with a frown. I guess I look like the damn raging devil.

"You send her home to a fucking rapist?" I yell at him, still more than twenty feet away from him.

"Calm the fuck down, man. Otherwise this will be all over the tabloids tomorrow." Izzy tries to hold me back.

Axl turns white as a fucking ghost. Guess no one ever had the balls talking to him that way. He looks confused for a second before his gaze lands on Izzy with a mad expression.

"What the fuck did you tell him, Izz?"

"Leave me fucking out of this, Axl." Izzy calls out. "He found that out all by himself. No need for me to tell him all about your fucked up family. Not even about your Stepdad fucking your little sister."

I can barely hold my shit together as Axl and Izzy get into each other's faces.

"You fucking knew?" Axl asks Izzy, turning even whiter than before.

"Yeah. I knew. This sick shit wasn't exactly easy to ignore, you know?" Izzy snaps at him and Axl actually looks fucking guilty for once.

"I didn't know... I... why didn't you say something, Izz?" he says with a painful expression.

Yeah, good. This fucker needs to suffer for this. I can't wait to beat the shit out of him.

"Why should I've told you, Axl? So that you could've gone all medieval on the reverend again and he might've killed you the next time he beat the shit out of you?" Izzy goes on, yelling at him in rage.

Wow, I didn't know those fuckers had such intense history.
I have to admit: Compared to Axl Rose, my fucking childhood seems like a walk in the park.
No wonder that fucker was crazy as shit.

Izzy sighs and runs a hand though his messy hair.
"Look, Axl" I don't like bringing this shit up again but you need to know that I tried to tell what I witnessed. But no one believed me of course. You know your fucking stepdad. You were so fucking touchy with your sister that I decided to just shut up about it. Not my finest moment, but there was nothing I could've done..."

I can't believe the shit I'm hearing right here.
Those fuckers knew what was going on in that house and not one of them did something.
Didn't take Rose or Stradlin for pussies. I would've beat the shit out of that preacher. Or cut off his dick in his sleep. Sick piece of shit.

"Izz..." Axl begins with a sigh but I cut him off. There's no way I'm gonna keep listening to that shit. I'm almost positive they will hug each other in the end.
And I've got a singer to kill. So first things first.

"So you had a crappy childhood, Rose. Boo-hoo. Get in line!" I push Izzy out of the way to grab Axl at the collar of his shirt, pulling him up to look him in the eye. "That doesn't fucking explain why you send her back to that place. What kind of brother are you?"

I want to kill him where he stands. I want to strangle the life from him with my bare hands. How the fuck could he do that shit to Amy?
Every time I think about it that elephant on my chest comes back. My rage becomes amplified and I know no limits to my actions. I'm fucking dangerous like this.

Axl looks at me defiantly, "Oh sure, just let her stay here and get knocked up by you! Yeah, I think her chances with her 50 something year old father are better, even if he did sometimes use to..."

I couldn't bare to hear the words coming from him. Especially not so smugly. I rare back my right fist. I hear people trying to stop me but fuck them. And fuck this motherfucker the most. My fist makes contact with his jaw. He would have fallen had I still not been holding on to him with my left hand. My fist crocks, ready for more.

"Nikki no!" I hear a voice break through my rage. Two soft hands grip at my arm. I blink away the red and look over to see MJ looking at me. Her eyes beg me. Her very presence soothes me.
I let go of Axl. He starts to go down but Izzy catches him.

"This isn't saving Amy," MJ's soft voice says to me as I back away.

"Rescue her...just like you rescued me."

I'm so totally fucking calm now. I pull MJ into my arms and kiss her forehead. "Izz is one lucky motherfucker honey." I let her go and approach Axl again. Izzy has gotten him seated on a chair. "Where is she?"

Axl looks up at me for a brief second. He then spits a mouth full of blood on my shoes. The urge to back hand him comes to me for a brief second, but then MJ comes into my vision again.

"Don't you fucking dare to judge me, Sixx." Axl hisses at me. "You know shit about me or my family. Amy's a big girl now and can take care of herself."

I'm not sure if he's trying to convince himself or if he really believes what he's telling here.
Izzy looks at me with confusion on his face before he shakes his head in disbelief at Axl.

"You honestly think she's better off in Indiana? Fucking imagine if it was you going back to that hell? Fucking bibles and prayer and penance. Sixx didn't fucking sneak in her room and rape her. He never hit her. All the fuck he did was fall in love with her," he shakes his head again.

"I can't believe you of all fucking people are taking his fucking side!"

Axl yells at him. "I fucking liked you better when you were too smacked out to give a shit about anything! And that motherfucker too for that fact!" He motions at me.

"Fuck you," Izzy says in that quiet growl that usually proceeds him losing his cool. MJ places her hands on his shoulders and it instantly goes away.

"No fuck you Izzy! It's your fault we ever got involved with this guy! It's your fault the band is in jeopardy now because or your fucking baby on the way!"

MJ starts to tug Izzy away, like me, she knows he's about to hurt Axl. I can see Izzy blink away tears in his eyes. "You break my heart Axe," he says softly. A long uncomfortable silence fills the room. Izzy sniffles. "Fuck him," he says and looks at me. "I know where she is."

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now