Brothers and sisters

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Tour bus
A few hours before

Amy's POV

Avoidance is my friend.
When Nikki had climbed back into the bus, he had been acting like nothing happened between us before.

Of course, this was good. This was exactly what I wanted. But the sexual tension was there and it was actually driving me insane.
I tried to act naturally but it was difficult because every time my eyes landed on Nikki, I would remember how his lips felt on mine.

Bill knew something was off with me. It was hard to keep myself in check when he pulled me aside with a suspicious glare.
Shit. He's noticed the way I've been drooling after Nikki. Great. You know there's a reason my brothers band mates always keep really important shit from him. It because he's obsessed with his career, the bands future. For Christ sake, his best friend can't even tell him he's gonna be a dad. Why? Because Axl fucking Rose would find a way to make it about the band. What do you think he would think about me crushing on his band manager? Yeah, that's right...not pretty.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks me hissing the words through his teeth.


"Save it," he says throwing his hand up, "try lying to someone who hasn't known you your whole life!"

"What the he'll are you even talking about?" I huff, despite the fact that I know quite well.

"I'm talking about him," he says trying his best to contain his voice.

"Him? Him who?" I shrug.

His eyes cut over at me. "Nikki, that's who. You look at him just the same way groupies do!"

"No the hell I don't!" I snap.

"Oh spare me," he rolls his eyes. "Nikki fucking Sixx is not the kind of guy you want to be chasing after!"

"I'm not!"

He grabs me by my wrists and glares into my wide eyes. "Stop lying to me. You are not going to come here and fuck rock stars! You got that? You want me so send you home to him? Because I fucking will!"

"Don't you think you're going to threaten me with that shit!" I stab my finger into his shoulder. "I'm grown. I can fuck whoever the fuck I want!"

Axl sighs, "Come on Aimes...not Nikki. Please, just anybody but that guy. You don't know him."

"Fuck, you barely do!"

"Look, I know him well enough to know I don't want my fucking sister around him."

"You're making something out of nothing."

"The Way he looks at you is not nothing!" He all but yells at my face.

"You're delusional! Nikki can get any girl he wants! Why would he want some Indiana hick?"

"For the same reason he would try to come between Izzy and MJ! Because he's fucking crazy!"

"MJ said it wasnýt like that," I shake my head.

"It's MJ! She's a fucking Angel! Like to a default! See if she was still so nice about him if he fucked her like he tried! If it wasn't for Izzy he fucking would have!"

"Oh come on you don't really believe that."

"The fuck I don't!"

I growl and jerk away from Axl. "You don't get to tell me what to do! I will fuck whoever, whenever, however! And if I want to fuck Nikki then I'll fucking fuck him!" I storm out of the back lounge and am met by every single pair of eyes on the bus. Save one. Nikki sits there with a smirk playing his unplugged bass. Shit. Everyone heard that.

Nikki's POV

Axl in Amy's ear all the time is really starting to fucking piss me off. She's starting to sound like him. I'm starting to feel like she might be fucking insane. One minute she almost lets me fuck her upside a bus, and the next she's telling me I chew people up and spit them out.

Granted six months ago she would be completely right. But I'm not the same me anymore. Shit has changed in my head. I would never hurt that girl. Really. I just want to make her mine. I want to try loving her.

Who the fuck am I kidding? I've built a past I will never be able to escape. No chick could ever love me for me. I'm a jackass. I'm a rat. I'm a sleeve. I'm a rock and roll disease. Why the fuck would I think she could be interested in me?

I sigh and reach out for the phone. I just need to hear a friendly voice.

"So, who's the redhead I saw with you and the band on TV?" Tommy asks. "She was freaking hot."

I roll my eyes. Of course he noticed her. Who the fuck wouldn't?

"Axl's sister." I say plainly.

"The crazy singer?" He laughs into my ear. "You got yourself into quite a freak show, man. She's crazy like him, man? I bet she is. Awww... I love them hot and insane."

"Actually she's really nice." I can't stop myself from saying out loud. Shit.

"You fucking her?" Tommy asks suspiciously.

"No, I'm not fucking her." Sadly.

There's silence. I guess I shocked him somehow. Yeah, I know the feeling.

"We were interrupted." I add quickly, so I don't sound like a total loser.

Tommy chuckles, "When did that ever stop you?"

"You already said it, man: That crazy ass singer is her fucking brother."

"You're afraid of him?" Tommy laughs again and I get the feeling I'm already the joke of the century. But fuck it. It's not like I chose to feel this shit.

"I'm not afraid of that fucker. But Amy's just not the kind of girl you just fuck at the back of the tour bus, man."

"Come on. I know how it is on the road."

"Yeah, but things are different. I'm trying to be different." I admit.

I think we're about to wrap up the conversation when he says, "You actually like her, man?"

"Yeah, I mean... She's cool... " I stutter like a damn loser. I don't really like where this is heading. Why the fuck would I like her? I'm a guy and guys don't care about shit like that.

I just want to fuck her, multiple times. Because she's hot and has the best fucking pair of tits I've ever seen.
I let out a sigh. Who the fuck am I kidding here? I really like that chick!

"Did you just admit you actually like a woman not just because you want to bang her?" Tommy teases me.


"No." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, bro. You fucking did. And so you know, I'm recording this call. I have evidence now!" He laughs at me.

"Fuck off. What are you? Twelve?" Still I can't help but smile.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now