Cock blocker

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Nikki's POV

I could seriously punch Yakinamundo in the fucking face right now. I don't care if he is like a hundred years old. The son of a bitch deserves it for this sick shit he's pulling with me. I don't think I would feel too bad about it considering that I'm lying here with a throbbing dick and staring up at the roof of my bunk. If it wasn't for that fucking drink I wouldn't be in agony right now. No, I'd be my fucking self. And myself would go rope and gag Axl and let him watch while I bent his sister over and fucked her right in front of him.

Yeah, that's what I would most likely be inclined to do. But because of that goddamn drink I just fucking lie here and take this shit...just take it right in the fucking ass! Yeah, fucking fuck Yakinamundo.

And fuck Izzy. That little fucker is the biggest fucking cock blocker! First MJ, now Amy. Fuck between him and Yakinamundo I was never going to get laid again. I know Izzy means well but I would seriously like to punch him in the fucking face too, even if it was only because I couldn't hit Yakinamundo. I know I really need to fucking hit someone.

Something. I kick my legs in aggravation and ball my fist and punch the wall. Axl's the main mother fucker I would like to hit right now. The guy didn't even know what kind of a control he apparently had on my sex life. Fuck me, why did I have to fucking fall in love with his sister? Why did I have to fall in love period? Love fucking sucks. It turns you into this fucking thing that isn't even you. You just start changing as an act to reel someone in. I fucking hate this shit! I HATE it! It makes me want to punch my own goddamn self in the fucking face!

And Amy...fuck me she's amazing. Here I am in physical pain because she got me all hard and ran out on me...AGAIN...and I can't even be mad at her. Mad at my throbbing dick, yes,

But I know that's that drink talking. Nikki would say fuck that crazy bitch and her brother, where's the nearest titty bar? But me after that drink...I've turned pussy. I'm like...fuck...nice and shit. I don't like being nice. It literally. I really don't want to do this shit anymore.

Soon my thoughts are interrupted by my curtain sliding open. It's Izzy again. He silently sits at the edge of my bunk and looks down at the floor. I can see something between his fingers that wasn't the normal cigarette. It's a syringe.

He sighs as he looks at it. "Here," he softly says and extends it over to me. "That's the last of my shit. I promised MJ that when it ran out that was it. I've been winging myself off the shit for almost a year...hopefully drying out won't be so bad. Plus, I'm gonna be a fucking dad soon, I need this shit out of my life. I was going to give it to Slash but I thought you might need it more since...well you know," he smirks a bit and motions to my dick.

I'm thinking what a beautiful gesture this was that Izzy was making. Fuck am I going to cry and get all sentimental and shit? I lean up on my elbows and look at the needle outstretched just inches in front of my face. "No thanks, I'm good."

What in the name of holy fucking shit did I just say? Izzy looks at me like I am internally looking at myself. It's official, I have lost my fucking mind.

"Seriously? You don't fucking want it?" He asks.

", I'm good Izz, but thanks for offering." I watch as he starts to stare at the needle. I can see how bad he wants it. I quickly grab it from his hand. In almost one motion I slide open my window and drop it out onto the highway. I look to Izzy. For some strange reason he looks relieved to have it gone. "There, it's gone now," I nod.

He just smiles and nods. "Thanks Nikki."

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I just can't fucking help this being nice shit.
UGHHHHH! Why me? Why did I ever have to stumble across that crazy ass old Asian? Life was so much more simple before him.

Before his fucking words and potions that crawled inside of me and changed me. I just want to be my old self again. I miss not giving a shit about anyone or anything. Life is so much more simple when you simply don't give a flying fuck.

"This new you is pretty cool," he smiles shyly.

I roll my eyes. "A fucking pussy is what I am now."

Izzy softly shakes his head, "Nah Nikki, you're just becoming more human. And it's nice."

"Says you," I huff.

"MJ says this is the real you, the you she saw in Vegas,"he mutters.

I smile softly. Why was she the only one who could ever see any good in me before Yakinamundo's drink? I'm not going to lie, I had mad love for that girl. Not the same kind of love I had for Amy though. No, I'd never try to come between her and Izzy. They were the real deal. A real fucking family in the making.

"She always has wanted to see me as a nice guy for some reason," I shrug.

"Because under all the crass Nikki Sixx bullshit you are a nice guy. Just go with it bro. Hopefully this newly found nice streak of yours will even go over with Axl...then when he finds out you fucked his sister he won't kill you...maybe he'll just kick your ass," Izzy winks at me and stands up and walks off quietly.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now