Resistance to advice

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Toronto, Canada
Some fancy Hotel
19. May 1988

Amy's POV

Freshly showered and dressed, I'm seated in the hotel restaurant with Izzy and Slash, having a cup of coffee. My brother comes wandering in just as the waitress has finished refilling my coffee.

"Hey, gorgeous." He says, hugging me tight and kissing my forehead. "God, I've been so fucking worried about you."

I bury my face in his chest and immediately feel safe and loved. Did I mention how much I love my brother? He can be a fucking lunatic and a pain in the ass sometimes, but he's also my best friend.

"I'm sorry for all this." I sob and mop at my face, stepping away from him a bit. People are already looking at us strangely.

I sit down again and he takes a seat across from me. He watches me with that unreadable expression of his. But I know what this means. There's a lecture coming, but I guess I deserve that after ending up in hospital with an overdose.

"Heroin, Aimes? Really?" he sighs and I can't help feeling offended.

Why is he always treating me like a god damn child?

"Like you're the one to judge." I snort, my gaze wandering towards Izzy in hope for some back up.

But his expression is blank. Yeah, thanks fucker. I can see a vein pulsing in Axl's neck. Shit.

"I mean... come on! Izzy's using, Slash, Stevie... you even tried this shit yourself. It's not like I planned on overdosing. It was stupid and that guy was a jerk." I shrug.

He sighs and runs a hand through his strawberry blonde hair.

"I should send you home. I shouldn't have let you come in the first place. Everyone around is so fucked up..." he says, giving Izzy and Slash a stare.

I knew this was coming. But I still can't help the panic that's rising inside of me.

"No! Please!" I cry out, reach over to grab his hands. "Please don't send me home to him! I'll be good. I promise!"

Begging him like that is fucking embarrassing but I should at least try, right?

"Aimes..." He sighs again.

"No! I'm not going back there. No way." I try to make my point. I am strong. I can convince him! "Seriously, Billy! I'm gonna run away and end up as a stripper, I don't fucking care, but I'm not going back to that house. He's gonna kill me. You should know best how he is."

I can see understanding in his green eyes.

"Yeah, I know exactly how he is." He says. "It's not that I'd like sending you home, Amy. But I'll do, if you don't behave. I mean it!"

Relief rushes through me and I give him a small smile.

He squeezes my hand, "I just don't like seeing you hurt. If you're hurt, I'm hurt and that makes me want to hurt the motherfucker who did it."

"Who hurt your sister, man?"

My eyes flick up to find Nikki standing at our table.

"I was talking in general." My brother says with a death stare.

Nikki's face darkens for a second, then he takes the empty seat beside me. I keep sipping on my coffee. He drapes his arm over the back of my chair.
Why the fuck is he doing this? He doesn't do that normally.

"Thanks for bringing her back safely." Axl adds politely.

My whole body tenses. He did more than just that. And I can practically feel the smirk on Nikki's face from beside me.

Axl is watching me strangely. God, please don't let him figure out what happened between Nikki and I.

"It was my pleasure." Nikki says, his voice smooth.

His fingers touch the back of my arm. His callous fingers gently tickle my smooth skin.
And just like that, my body is on fire.
How is that even possible?

Then he suddenly removes his hand and waves the waitress over. When she sees him, I see the way her eyes light up. I watch him closely for his reaction because she's exactly his type.

"Coffee. Black." He says plainly and the waitress walks off, disappointed.

Wow. He hasn't even looked at her. My heart skips a beat and I can't help smiling.
Until I come eye to eye with my brother and that big frown on his face.

"What are you so damn happy about all suddenly?"

" about happy to be alive," I say.

"You probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for Sixx," Izzy interjects. I can't help but notice the way he keeps looking from me to Nikki. He acts like he knows. Did he? I couldn't risk being that obvious. If Izzy could tell then Axl would soon discover it too.

"Patron Saint of overdoses," Nikki smirks at them. "So you guys ready to get to the stage?"

"I have to go get in the zone," Axl stands up and leaves.

"Thought he'd never leave," Nikki mutters under his breath.

Izzy just sits back and gives us a curious look.

"There some reason you're staring at us Izz?" Nikki asks lighting a cigarette.

"This is a very bad idea, you know that right?" He questions.

"Don't have a clue what you mean," Nikki shrugs with an exhale as he leans back in his chair resting his arm on the back of mine again.

"Sure you don't," Izzy rolls his eyes. "I mean you and Amy. You fucked her didn't you?"

"You sound just like my brother," I frown.

"Well I'm not. I could care less who you lay down for. I'm just saying it's a bad fucking idea. Axl's going to put two and two together. And while I may be able to calm his raging ass down most of the time, something like this...Well I won't be able to help you with that one."

"Like I'm afraid of that short red headed fuck," Nikki huffs.

"Well you should be," I say, "Izzy knows how he is."

"Yeah man," Izzy sighs, "he just blacks out and becomes like a fucking hurricane. And he has a gun."

"Yeah, and I have nine lives," Nikki smirks and looks over to me with that cocky sarcastic smile of his.

"Seriously Nikki, you can't pull shit like this with him around," Izzy warns him.

"Fuck Axl. That short little shit can't stand in my way. I want what I want, and I always get exactly what I fucking want." He leans over to me and whispers in my ear, "You're mine."

Izzy looks down shaking his head, "You're just asking for it bro. You can't fuck Axl's sister and expect him to be ok with that shit."

"Like I said, fuck Axl," Nikki says again dragging from his cigarette.

"Let's see if you say that when he beats the shit out of you," I sigh.

A sarcastic smirk twists his lips, "He can try."

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now