An unbidden guest

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Chelsea Hotel
New York City
9. May 1988

Amy's POV

I shouldn't have even been standing at his damn door! Fuck what am I doing? Nikki wants nothing to do with me.

He's been avoiding me for days now and I have to admit: It pisses me off. But who can blame him? I keep pulling him close just to shove him away. They have a name for a girl like that. It's called prick tease.

It's not that I want to be like that. I don't. Hell, I don't even like that guy! But out of some explainable reason I keep ending up wanting him.
And itýs driving me insane.

I sigh and stare at the numbers on his door. I just want to see his amazing eyes up close again. I raise my fist and knock at the door.
After a few moments the door is opening with a very shirtless Nikki standing there all hot and tattooed with a bottle of Jack dangling from his hand. His large body tenses as he watches me with those hypnotic eyes.

He sighs and moves the hair back from his face. I wonder if he knows how good he looks when he does that. "There a problem?" he dryly asks.

Is there a problem? Yes. I fucking want you to fuck me long and hard right here in the doorway. No mercy.

"," I shrug. God I'm so lame.

"Well if no one is dying I'd like to be alone," he says softly as his eyes fall to the floor.

"Why are you ignoring me?" I ask.

"Oh now I'm ignoring you?" he huffs as he stares up at the ceiling and shakes his head. "Well isn't that what you want, what Axl wants? What everybody wants? What the fuck?"

"You're drunk," I frown.

"I'm very fucking drunk. What's your fucking point Amy? You just get off on driving me fucking batty?"

I roll my eyes, "I'll come back when you've sobered up," I say as I turn to leave.

I feel his iron like grip around my wrist. "Oh no the fuck you aren't. You're not running away from me tonight sweetheart."

"Let go of me," I struggle but can't break free. Before I know what has happened Nikki has jerked me in his room and kicked the door shut. "Nikki fucking stop."

He throws me down on the bed and before I can even sit up he is coming across me. "I'm sick of playing games with you," he says as his lips adhere to mine. His hands clasp my wrists and pin them above my head as I try to fight off his powerful kiss.

His lips retract from mine and curl into a smirk. "Yeah, you like a guy in charge don't you baby?"

"Get off me!" I yell, on the contrary.

One of his ringed hands clasps across my mouth. "Stop pushing me away. You can't get rid of me that easily," He whispers at my ear as his tongue shoots up my neck. His hands begin trying to undo my jeans as his other is still pinning me down by my mouth.

Soon he has my pants down off my hips. His hand is still like iron across my mouth. He trails kisses down my stomach and swirls his tongue in my navel. I can't help but close my eyes as his tongue traces me even lower. And lower.

"Oh wait," I hear him smirk, "You wanted me to stop right?"

Holding my breath, I gasp when I find Nikki staring at me. My stomach tingles, my breasts ache and moisture is pooling between my legs. Nikki had switched on every part of my body as if it's on fire.

Edging closer, feeling the wave of heat from his body, his scent hits me and a whimper escapes my lips. A rumble sound in Nikki's chest.
My need to touch him, to feel him, grows to an impossible high level.
By the gritting of his teeth and these hungry eyes, I know he wants me too... desperately.

"Why are you here?" he asks and releases my hands.

My fingers lift by themselves, touching the tips of his long black hair, tracing down over his tattooed chest.
Still lying beneath him, I can feel him harden. My hand continuing to travel down, shivers wracking Nikki's skin at my touch. A hiss of breath slips from his mouth.

At this moment I don't think about consequences. All I can think about is how beautiful Nikki is. How fearless and feral. He is untamed.
As my palm lands on his hot stomach, he leans in, his nose tucking into the crook of my neck.

I moan as he inhales and growls "I want you."

Three words. Three simple words become my undoing. Spoken roughly, dominantly and still they sound like poetry to me. Without giving me the time to think, Nikki presses his lips to mine. Releasing a hungry groan, my hands grasp his messy black hair and I give him more access. His thigh slips between my legs, his stiff cock brushing against my throbbing clit.

Nikki's POV

I don't want to waste any second and give her a chance to change her mind. Moving in quickly, I capture her lips with mine. I run my tongue along her lower lip, and then seal her mouth with mine. I kiss her with force, but I try not to hurt her. She needs to know how much I want her.

Her body relaxes in my hands and I wrap my arms around her. As I keep kissing her, she moans the sexiest fucking sound and swirls her tongue around mine.

Her hands grab my hair, pulling me towards her. Fuck!
This is so fucking hot.

I'm hard as stone and my cock is pressed up against her stomach. That stomach I already licked down while unbuttoning her jeans. I can't wait to take her in my mouth and finally get to taste that sweet pussy.

She opens her eyes and her gaze is hazy and lust-filled. In this moment I think I have her. I'm going to get what I've been desperate from the moment I've met her.
I'm sliding my fingers down her side to her stomach, fumbling her panties, when a loud rumbling sound and voices in the hallway let her jerk away. Shit.

Pushing me off her and jumping from the bed, she shakes her head.

"I can't do this." She's breathing heavily. "Not with you."

What the fuck? What does that even mean? Not with me? I grab her wrist and pull her back to me.

"You want someone else to fuck you, but not me?" I'm getting a little furious here. How in hell can she just blow me off like that?

"I'm Nikki fucking Sixx! You've got any idea what that means, girl?"

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't you ever stop?" She hisses at me. "You're so fucking full of yourself. It's disgusting."

"No, I don't. Not when it comes to you." I lean down into her face.

"You know what I think? I think you want me bad, Amy. And you're too fucking scared to admit it."

She doesn't say anything. She just pulls her arm away from my hand and starts to walk away.
Panic rushes over me. I don't know what to do with this because I've never felt it before. Not this way. Not over a woman.

"Great, Amy. Just run away. That's what you do best, right?"

She stops and turns back again, her expression is blank.

"I'm not running. I'm making the smart choice here: Getting as far away from you as possible. You're poison, Nikki. Everyone around you gets sucked into that big black hole of yours and their life turn to shit! I won't let you ruin me."

Jesus, that fucking hurt.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now