Family reunion

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Nikki's POV

I guess Stradlin gave in and ended up calling his mom to bail us out, because suddenly everything goes really fast.
Locks are opened, handcuffs are clicking and there are papers to sign.
Before I even get what the fuck is happening, we are standing in front of the police station.

"What the hell happened, Izz?" Axl speaks up first.

Izzy sighs and drags on his cigarette, "I called my mom."

"I can't believe she even got Axl out." I snicker and earn a glare from Axl. Izzy just looks like someone pissed in his shoes or something.

"She talked to reverent Bailey and promised him none of us would ever be back here. I have no idea how in hell she did it, but he even dropped the charges." His tone is so soft and defeated for a guy who just got out of trouble, He seems more troubled.

"It's not like I wanted to come here in the first place." Axl huffs.

"This shit is all Sixx's fault. If he just kept it in his pants..."

"Just shut the fuck up, Rose. I thought we've been through this already.ý"I cut him off.
"Where the hell is Amy?"

As soon as the words leave my mouth, the door opens and Amy comes out of the police station.

"Nikki!" she calls out, running right into my arms. She feels so fucking good next to me. God, I didn't notice how fucking much I've missed her.

I kiss her like a starving man. Really. I'm literally devouring her. I just can't help it. She tastes so fucking sweet.

"God, get a fucking room." Axl interrupts us, rolling his eyes dramatically. "I'm close to barfing all over Izzy here."

Amy stops within a second, wiggling herself out of my arms and strolling over to Axl.
She stops in front of him, watching him for a moment.
Then she boxes him into the stomach.

"Ouch." Axl flinches, glaring at Amy. "What the hell was that for? God dammit..."

Amy pokes her index finger into his chest. I can barely hold a chuckle. She's so hot when she's mad like that.

"This is for sending me back home, you fucking moron. I should kick you in the balls for going all berzerker on Nikki..." She yells at Axl and I decide to hold her back before does something stupid, right in front of a police station.

"Come on babe, leave it..." I try to calm her down.

Axl snickers, looking at me. "And you really thought she'd need YOU to rescue her?"

He may have been right. She might not have needed me to rescue her, but she needed me to show her how far I was willing to go to be with her.

I hear Izzy sigh next to me and toss his cigarette on the ground. His eyes are focused on a man crossing the street and coming in our direction. I look at the guy as he gets closer. His face is shaped like Izzy's. He is about Izzy's height.

The guy looks at us standing there. "What? Mr. Rock Star needs to actually call his mom to get him out of trouble? It's been how many years since you called Jeff? Remind me again?"

"Look Joe, it's been a long fucking day, we're good from here. We can catch a cab to the airport," Izzy rolls his eyes.

"Like hell, mom wants to see you. It's the least you can do, drop in and say hi to the woman who gave you life. Or does the rock star have some orgies to get to? Or maybe you need dope?"

"Izzy's clean now Joe," Axl says.

Joe's eyes scan Axl, "Let me guess, this is all your fault."

"No," I cut in, "Mine actually. I'm Nikki by the way. How are you doing man? You have got to be Izzy's brother." I extend my hand out to him.

"I thought you overdosed and died," he just looks at my hand.

I smirk not knowing what his problem is, "Yeah well some things you just can't kill."

"I really don't want to get into some family shit with Axl, Amy, and Nikki around," Izzy shrugs looking at the ground.

"Fine, we can drop them at a hotel," Joe shrugs just the same as Izzy.

I pipe up again, "No fucking way am I missing this shit. I'm going."

Izzy shakes his lowered head with a sigh. "Fuck it, like this day could get any worse. I need to call MJ anyway."

"MJ?" Joe asks.

"I'll tell you later," Izzy sighs as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Let's just get this over with."

So we end up at Izzy's mom's, the place he grew up. Everything is so normal. I had forgotten how normal people lived. She opens the front door and cordially invites us all in. Izzy brought up the rear as Joe led everyone into the living room. I turn back to see Izzy's mom taking him by the hands and looking him over.

"Are you alright?" I hear her asking him.

He looks down and nods. She raises his chin and forces him to look at her. "I'm sober mom, I promise."

She nods and allows him to come in. We all sit down and there is some weird staring contest going on. I run my fingertip in circles over Amy's thigh as I wait for the show to begin.

"So Jeff," his mom says, "Care to explain why I had to bail four people out of jail today?"

"Um," I raise my hand, "Totally my bad Mrs. Izzy."

She chuckles, "Mrs. Izzy?"

"Sorry, I forgot what Izzy's real last name is." I shrug.

"Isbell, idiot." Axl huffs.

"Mrs. Isbell, I'll explain..." Axl begins but Izzy's mom holds her hand up.

"I'd like to hear it from Jeff."

All eyes are on Izzy and I know he hates that shit.

"Well...Amy and Nikki fell in love. Axl didn't like it and sent Amy home. Nikki and I came to get her. Axl showed up...shit happened...I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."

His mom waited to see if that was it and nodded. "So how long have you been sober, if you really are?"

"Almost six months," he answers nervously chewing on his nails.

"Why is that Jeff?" His brother Joe snaps, "Were you facing jail time or something?"

"No," Izzy softly says, "Actually I've got a kid on the way."

"Knocked up one of your groupies?" Joe snarls.

"Joseph!" their mom snaps. "You're having a baby Jeff? When? Who's the mom? Are you married?"

Izzy smiles shyly, "I'm gonna marry her as soon as I work up the nerve to ask her. Her name is Mary Josephine, but we all call her MJ. She's from New Mexico."

"Well, can I at least meet her and maybe my grandchild when it's born? Or is this the last visit for another five years?" His mom asks.

"I'd love for you to meet her mom," Izzy nods.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now