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Tour Bus, leaving LA
Late afternoon

Amy's POV

It's late afternoon now and I've been successfully avoiding Nikki since we got out on the road. I know we cleared the air but I still don't feel comfortable around him. I'm confused. And that my body is reacting to him in a very strange way, isn't helping me. He doesn't need to know that. His ego is already big enough without me contributing to it.

So, I'm hiding out in the bedroom. Alone.
I hear a knock at the door and my brother's voice. 
"Can I come in?"

"Sure." I reply and the door opens.

Billy comes in and jumps on the bed, crossing his arms behind his head. He looks at me strangely.
"So, why are you hiding in here?"

"I'm not hiding." I reply.

"Yes, you are." He disagrees knowing me far too well.

"Fine." I sigh. "I'm hiding." I admit.

"I guess you're hiding out from Sixx. So, are you going to tell me what happened? I'm not fucking happy about having that jerk around either but you were really rude earlier. And Nikki is the kind of guy who can make shit really happen for us." He says with that expression that's telling me he won't let it go.

I lean back in my chair and pop my feet up the bed. "I just don't like that guy."

Billy huffs. "Yeah, nobody does. Well, besides Slash maybe. But I know you, Amy. Behaving like this is so not you."

"You're right." I sigh. "And I apologized for it. But still.... I just can't stand him. He's always hitting on me."

"What?ý"Billy practically shouts, sitting upright. "When?"

"It doesn't matter. Nothing happened. But he's just... ugh.. Nikki Sixx, you know?"

I can see anger rising in Billy's face. And there's something else that looks like concern.
"That motherfucker is evil, Amy. Seriously. Stay the hell away from him. I'm already regretting taking you with us on that trip."

"Calm down, angry. We talked."

Yelled more likely. "I think he's gotten the message." My brother relaxes a little and runs a hand though his strawberry blonde hair.
"Okay. But if he tries anything..."

"You'll be the first to know." I say.

There's no way I'd let Bill know if Nikki made a move on me again. Aside of being able to take care of myself, I'm not risking Bill landing in jail again. I love him to death but he really has to work on his fucking temper.

I see a smile on Billy's face.
"So, you turned down Nikki Sixx, huh?"

"I did." I smirk.

He lets out a roaring laugh.
"I bet that was a massive hit to his ego. No guy likes to be turned down, and Nikki is not used to that."

"I don't think I dent his ego. He must have been turned down by a woman before." I say with a chuckle.

"I highly doubt it. Most women just lie down and spread their legs for him. You aside I only know one woman that was totally immune to his charm."

"Who?" I ask surprised, wondering which woman would be so strong. I don't even like that fucker and still feel my resistance crack when he's near me.

"MJ." He chuckles.

My jaw drops. "He made a move on MJ? That must have pissed off Izzy."

He jumps up from the bed, turning to the door.

Karma's Happenstance Part 2 (Nikki Sixx/OC/Guns n Roses)Where stories live. Discover now