Chapter 37: During The Wedding

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Although the phone was not turned off, Wang Zhao called for a long time and there was no intention of getting through.

In the end, Wang Zhao didn't hear the voice of the person on the other side until the ringing stopped.

She called again, and the phone there showed that it had been turned off. Sitting in the car, Wang Zhao clicked on Chen Fangli's WeChat account and looked at the dialog between the two people for a long time. In the end, she didn't send anything and deleted the call records from her phone's address book.

The wedding was held four days later, but Wang Zhao became very busy in the first two days, especially the night before. She didn't go to bed until about eleven or twelve o'clock. As a result, she woke up around four o'clock the next day. There was already a commotion outside, and she also unable to sleep and simply got up.

The stylist hasn't arrived yet at this time, and the sounds outside are Wang Xuechun and Zhang Ke talking in low voices, and the sound of slippers pulling on the floor as they walk in the living room. The sound is not loud, but Wang Zhao, who is a light sleeper, can hear it clearly.

After getting up, she did not wash up first, but turned on the light on the desk and prepared to read for a while.

At this time, it was difficult for her to calm down. There were many thoughts in her mind. Wang Zhao held the tablet in her hand, and for some reason, she thought of the day when she first came here. It has only been two or three months, but so much has already happened.

It had only been two or three months, but she felt as if she had been here for two or three years, and she was exhausted both physically and mentally.

Wang Zhao wrote three words in the book.

Li Zhenguan.

Then she made a stroke, and she gathered all her thoughts, calmed down and read a few more pages of the book, while reviewing the questions and watching the video. Under such circumstances, time passed very quickly.

When she was awakened by the knock on the door, it was already past six o'clock. The stylist here came to do styling at seven o'clock, so she needed to clean up quickly. There were already some people sitting in the living room at home, including Xu Yingchun and Xu Hao and a few more. All her good friends have arrived and are sitting in the living room having breakfast.

Wang Zhao quickly washed up, changed her clothes and walked out. Shr found an empty seat and sat down. She found an unopened box of noodle soup on the table and placed it in front of her.

"Hurry up and eat. The stylist has arrived and is downstairs now."

Zhang Ke prepared the stylist's breakfast, which is now placed on the table. The whole room was very lively. The reason why Wang Zhao went to bed so late yesterday , just because many people in the family came to decorate the wedding room, her room now changed drastically, it was all red. When she got up and opened her eyes this morning, she thought she had traveled through time again.

Wang Zhao nodded, rolled up her sleeves, took a bite of noodles, and turned to ask her father next to her: "Dad, have you eaten?"

She was afraid that this man would be busy early in the morning, and he would not eat. No matter what time lunch is, this busy schedule lasts a whole day.

"Eat, eat."

Zhang Ke was still decorating the living room. He checked around and found that there was nothing wrong. He didn't bother to breathe a sigh of relief and sent someone to the door to watch. He was afraid of missing the auspicious time and had to do it before nine o'clock. Depart from home to the hotel.

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