"You get the baby."

Neve finishes and Chuck nods with a smile.

"Every power and ability I have, your Daughter has. I can sense your fear, but let me reassure you. Your Daughter will grow up before she takes over from me. She'll be powerful and healthy. Jack will consort her. She's the future."

He finishes and a warm sensation fills Neve at his words.

"Why Neve? Why our family?"

Sam asks and Dean is thankful for that as he just couldn't find the words.

"Because Winchester's protect their own with everything they've got. Who better a family for her to be born into?"

Chuck asks rhetorically and Sam, Neve and Castiel actually smile at this.

"I brought Michael out of The Empty and rehabilitated him. However, the only way he'd settle was for Adam to be with him. I spoke to Adam and surprisingly, he was eager to have Michael return to his vessel."

He explained and Neve frowned at the looks on her Brothers faces.

"Who's Adam?"

She asks. Dean nods to Sam and he sighs.

"Adam is our Brother. Similar situation as you. Different Mother."

He explains and Neve raises her eyebrows. This wasn't helping the hatred of their Father in the slightest.

"Are there any more of us?"

She asks, but Sam shakes his head and she's grateful for that at least.

"Gabriel has returned too."

Chuck says and the three of them look relieved and actually happy to learn this.

"Jack is currently helping to rehabilitate Lucifer as we speak."

Chuck's words have all of them back on their feet and on edge.


"You've got to be shitting me!"


Chuck struggles to calm them and ease their concerns. Neve rubs her stomach as a strange sensation sets in.

She stands from her seat, being ignored over the shouting.

Suddenly, her eyes flash blue and she uncontrollably holds her hands out.

"It's ok!"

She exclaims and immediately, all voices halt, a calming sensation overtaking the entire group.

Neve's hands drop and her eyes return to normal. She slowly sits back down.

"Woah! Alright, we're listening, Chuck."

Dean says and Chuck frowns, turning to look at Neve.

"That wasn't me."

He says and all eyes slowly turn to Neve.

"She wanted you all to calm down."

She says, still in shock. Their eyes widen and they exchange glances.

"Like I said, she's powerful. Now, I will return next month to explain some more things to you. Until then."

Chuck disappears before anyone could reply.

Neve stands, all eyes darting to her before going to her stomach.

"I'm gonna cook dinner."

She mutters quietly before fleeing the room.


Neve ate in silence that night. Sam and Dean quietly discussed a potential case. Castiel kept giving Neve worried glances.

The baby kicked around, sending calming waves to Neve as she did. Castiel could sense his Daughter as she used her powers.

"Does she do that often?"

He asks Neve softly and she looks up, a forkful of pasta ready to be eaten on her utensil. She shrugs at the Angel.

"When she senses stress, I guess."

She says, eating her forkful. Sam and Dean's conversation seized at Castiel's question. Dean leans into his Sister's side.

"Why are you stressed?"

He asks and she sighs, turning her head to stare at him.

"Oh, I don't know, Dean. Maybe because I was just told that my baby is a God and I'm expected to raise her like I know what the hell I'm doing!"

She sighs in frustration and drops her fork onto her plate. she buries her head into her hands.

The others are surprised by her outburst, but had expected one sooner or later.

The baby stops moving at her Mother's words, stilling completely. Neve, realising her mistake, turns back to Dean with a sorrow face.

"I'm sorry, Dean. You're only trying to help."

She says, pushing her plate away, her appetite long gone. Dean shrugs, spooning a huge portion of pasta into his mouth.

"Don't be sorry, Neve. I'm just surprised it took you this long. We're Winchesters after all. We aren't known for our calm temperament."

He says and Castiel reaches his hand out and places it over Neve's. She looks to him.

"You said that you are stressed because our Daughter doesn't get to choose. So, let's change it. We wait until she is old enough to make her own choices. If she chooses to become God, we support her. If she doesn't, we will support her."

He says and Sam smiles at the Angels words. Dean nods in agreement.

"Also, if you really feel that you need to speak to someone that has been through something similar, the closest thing is Amara. She's God's Sister."

Neve is shocked by this. She never knew that God had family outside of his creations. She nods.

"I'd like to meet Amara."


This chapter has been edited.

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