Chapter Three

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Neve zips up the last duffel bag, fully packed up. The furniture belongs to the Landlord, so no storage issues.

"So, what was that thing that tried to kill me?"

She asks, trying to push her nausea away still from when Castiel transported them.

"A Demon."

Dean answers, taking a gulp of his beer. Neve nods slowly, shaking her head as she places the duffel with the others.


She says. Dean smirks, Sam chuckles and Castiel looks confused.

"Are you ready to go?"

Dean asks and Neve takes one last glance around the apartment before nodding.

"As I'll ever be."

She says, watching anxiously as Castiel approaches them again to transport them. She hated this part.

They land back in the bunker and Neve hunches over, trying not to throw up.

"Neve, are you ok?"

Castiel asks immediately, his hands going to her shoulders in worry. She flinches at the unexpected contact, but nods.

"Yeah, first time he poofed me away, I couldn't poop for like a whole week. You'll get used to it, Kiddo."

Dean says, picking up two of the duffels and making his way to Neve's bedroom.

Sam sends Neve a reassuring smile before taking two more of the duffels and following after Dean. Neve is left with Castiel.

His hands hadn't fallen away from her shoulders, and she turns, their faces inches apart. She clears her throat and backs away, reaching for her last remaining duffel before following after her Brothers.


Neve left her room a few hours later, just as night fell. She found her way to the kitchen. A smile graced her lips as the Chef in her did a little happy dance at the fact that she could still cook.

She immediately began to look around at what she was working with, making more noise than she realised.

She heard what sounded like a rustle of feathers before the sound of two guns cocking drew her from her task.

She slowly raised from the ground, the mixing bowls left scattered around her as she raises her hands.

She sees Castiel standing right behind her. Sam and Dean are by the doorway, guns pointed at Neve.

When they realise that it's her, they sigh and lower their weapons. Neve's cheeks flush red in embarrassment.

"Sorry, I just wanted to check out the kitchen. I'm a Chef after all."

She says and Sam nods, looking to Dean before walking over to Neve.

"It's ok."

He reassures her and she nods in relief.

"So, the kitchen up to your Chef standards?"

Dean asks, looking around at the mess his Sister had made. Neve smiles softly, shrugging her shoulders.

"A little organisation and knife sharpening and it will be."

She says and Dean nods, turning to face Castiel.

"Cas, could you clean this mess up?"

Before Neve could protest, Castiel waves a hand to the mess and it disappears, everything back to normal.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant