Chapter Twelve

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Neve jumps awake with a start. Looking around, she finds herself back in her bedroom, only her lamp as a source of light.

She feels her chest, not finding any wounds there. She wonders if Castiel healed her.

Her door opens seconds later and Castiel, Dean and Sam enter.

"You're all ok."

She says with relief and Sam sends her a smile.

"How're you feeling, Kiddo?"

Dean asks, approaching her. She nods, eyeing Castiel who stayed by the door.

"I'm alive. Guys, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have ran off like that. I put us all in danger."

Dean holds up a hand, stopping his Sister's rambling.

"You have nothing to apologise for. You had every right to act how you did. We shouldn't have lied to you."

Neve smiles thankfully and reaches forward to squeeze her Brother's hand.

"Neve? Did Leshim say what he wanted?"

Sam asks and this peaks Castiel's interest. Neve sighs.

"He tortured me in the hope that I would give up Castiel's soul. I wouldn't."

She says quietly, locking her eyes with the Angels.

"It doesn't belong to him."

She smiles softly and the Angel is taken aback, his heart leaping.

"We have Leshim in the dungeon. He can't hurt you anymore."

Sam says and a twinge of fear hits Neve, being felt by Castiel.

"Can-can I have a word with Cas alone?"

The woman asks and the Brothers nod, turning to leave the room and give the duo their privacy. Neve sighs.

"Cas, come closer. I'm not angry with you. I may have reacted angrily when I discovered the secret, but I understand why you kept it from me. I mean, I'm carrying your soul with mine, for God's sake! I'm sorry for you having such a disappointment for a Soulmate."

She says, lowering her head in shame. Castiel frowns, crossing the room to stand in front of her.

He reaches a hand out and uses his fingers to tilt Neve's chin up towards him.

"I never want to hear you speak so lowly of yourself. It is I who is sorry for you having a below average Soulmate."

He says, but she shakes her head, leaning herself onto her knees and placing her hands around his wrists.

"Then I guess we both deserve each other."

She says, emerald eyes looking into colbalt. She reaches forward, taking initiative when he hesitates.

She looks him in the eyes one last time before they flutter shut.

She presses her lips to his. Soft, dry and smooth. Electric errupting. Their first kiss.


Neve wanted a distraction from the knowledge that Dean, Sam, Castiel and Jack were interrogating and possibly torturing Leshim in the same building she occupied.

So, she did the only thing that calmed and distracted her. She cooked.

She prepared chicken, mash potatoes, broccoli and gravy. She made an apple pie for Dean and a strawberry cheesecake for everyone else.

She also prepared Castiel another fruit bowl. The kiss between them was special to Neve.

It set alight her soul in ways foreign to her. She felt safe once again.

She heard the slam of a door before heavy footsteps stormed in the direction of the kitchen where she recited.

"Damn son of a bitch! I'd like nothing more than to end that winged dick!"

Dean's frustrated voice carries through the bunker in an echo.

"He'll break soon, Dean. Let him stew."

Sam says. The four of them look surprised to see Neve in the kitchen. She offers them a smile.

"Hey. I made dinner and dessert for everyone. Come. Sit."

She says, gesturing to the table full of food. Dean's eyes light up at the sight of the pie.

"Yes, Dean. It's all for you."

Neve says. Dean chuckles happily and seats himself in front of the pie. Sam sits opposite him and Jack sits beside Dean. Castiel approaches Neve.

Neve's round orbs gaze up at the Angel. She smiles, inching closer to him unconsciously.

"I made you a fruit bowl."

She says and he smiles, leaning down to kiss the top of her head in thanks before he moves to sit beside Sam.

Sam and Dean catch the entirety of the exchange, but don't comment.

Sam and Dean catch the entirety of the exchange, but don't comment

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Neve sits herself beside Jack and reaches for the mash potatoes.

"By Dean's frustration, I'm guessing it didn't go well."

Neve comments and the table goes eerily quiet. Neve sighs at this.

"Guys, it's ok. No more secrets, remember?"

She says with a pointed look. They nod and Sam answers her question.

"He's not saying anything."

He says and Neve thinks for a moment. She has an idea, but she knew that the men in her life would never agree to it and she was nervous about doing it. She clears her throat.

"What if I tried speaking to him?"

She asks and immediately, shouts of disagreement fills her ears.

"He's chained up, right? You four would be there. I'd be in no danger."

She says, hoping to convince them. They all look to Dean, who clenches his jaw. He turns to Neve, holding a chicken filled fork out to her.

"The first nip of hesitation from you and you're out. We'll do it tomorrow."

He says, turning his hardened gaze back to his plate.


This chapter has been edited.

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