Chapter Fifteen

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Neve stirs. She still felt heavily fatigued, which was strange. She felt fingers gently running through her hair.

"When my soul left yours, it took a lot of your energy. You'll feel weak for a little bit."

Castiel's voice draws Neve from her slumber. Her eyes flutter open. Castiel smiles at her.

"Good morning, honeybee."

He says and she smiles tiredly at him. It takes her a few seconds to properly wake up.

"Are you?"

She asks him and he sighs, looking down at himself.

"I'm still an Angel. I don't know why."

He explains and Neve frowns. She wondered why too.

"We should get up. Subject ourselves to the teasing of my Brothers and your Son."

Neve says and Castiel nods, watching as Neve slips out of bed and pads over to the en suite to shower.

Castiel smiles and snaps his fingers, his clothes back on his body.

He makes his way out of Neve's bedroom and over to the kitchen where he can hear the voices of the Brothers and Jack.

He sucks in a breath and turns the corner into the kitchen.

"Hey! Look who it is! It's Casanova!"

Dean chuckles and Sam gives him an unamused look.

"Dude, that's our Sister's sex life you're celebrating."

He points out and Dean grimaces, picking up his coffee cup.

"Well, it's either tease the hell outta them or punch Cas for touching her. Especially since them going at it like rabbits caused every light in the bunker to blow."

He shrugs. Jack looks at Castiel with a confused frown.

"You're still an Angel. How is that possible?"

He asks and Castiel sighs, approaching the table.

"I don't know. I have my soul now. I should be Human."

He says and Jack nods slowly, standing up.

"I'm going to ask Grandfather."

He says and disappears before anyone could respond. Castiel takes Jack's place at the table.

"So, you have your soul now? How do you feel?"

Sam asks and the Angel scoffs, folding his hands on the table.

"Where do I start? I'm worried about everything. I'm anxious for unknown reasons. Yet, I'm happy."

He rants and the Brothers smile. Footsteps enter the kitchen and Neve pauses in the doorway, narrowing her eyes at her Brothers.

"Alright, get it over with."

She says, making her way over to the coffee pot. Dean sniggers.

"Nah, we're good. Jack kindly replaced the lights you blew."

He teases and Neve nods sarcastically, turning with her coffee.

"Good. I'm so glad we can be adults about this."

She said, her eyes on Dean the whole time. Sam clears his throat, tapping on his tablet.

"We found a case."

He says and Neve nods, settling down beside Castiel. Dean winks at her and she rolls her eyes.


One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now