Chapter Sixteen

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Neve was silent as she sat in the library. Her chin was resting on her chest and she was eyeing her stomach.

She hadn't felt nauseous, no sore breasts, no cravings, no increased labido, no heightened emotions, no urge to pee every five minutes. She did have a slightly bloated belly.

From when Sadie's Sister was pregnant, Neve took in a lot of the symptoms and she had none of them.

The door to the bunker opens and Neve could faintly see Sam and Rowena making their way down the stairs.

Jack, Castiel and Dean appeared to greet her, quietly filling her in with more details.

Something strange begins to happen. Neve could hear their entire conversation, despite them being in an entirely different room than her.

She gasps, her hands falling to her stomach. The baby is showing itself for the first time.


Castiel's voice hits Neve's ears and she looks up to see him, Sam, Dean, Jack and Rowena stood before her.

"Hello, Dear. Your Brothers tell me that you have a passenger."

Rowena says, placing her bag onto the table. Neve scoffs out a giggle.

"I'm pregnant, Rowena, yes."

She says. Castiel approaches Neve and places his hands on her shoulders, hoping to comfort her.

"Can you tell us anything about this?"

Dean asks and the Witch nods, opening up her bag to pull out a beautiful pure white crystal attached to a string.

"You need to lay down, sweetie."

Neve nods and stands, moving to lay on the table with the help of Castiel.

The others move to scatter around the table, but Castiel stays beside Neve as Rowena takes the crystal and dangles it over Neve's stomach.

She begins to chant some words unknown to the group. Her eyes flash purple before it quickly fades.

 Her eyes flash purple before it quickly fades

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The Witch exclaims. Neve frowns, her heart beating rapidly against her chest.

"What? Please tell me I'm not having a mini Hitler or something."

She pleads, half joking. Collective laughter fills the air. Not Rowena however.

"No, my Girl. I sense nothing, but good from your little baby. The power I'm feeling...I have never felt anything like it, not even when I was in the presence of God himself. Your Daughter is special."

Tears fill Neve's eyes at Rowena's words and she chokes on a sob.


She whispers and Rowena smiles, removing the crystal.

"Yes. Your baby is a girl."

She confirms and Neve looks to Castiel, who has a look of pure love on his face and tears in his eyes.

"Was Chuck right? Will Neve survive this?"

Sam asks and all eyes go to Rowena, waiting with bated breath for her words.

"Yes. He was right. I don't know exactly how or what exactly your baby is. I can say for sure that she isn't a Nephilim."

With that, she packs up her things and Castiel helps get her off of the table.

They all exchange glances filled with the unknown. How will Neve survive this exactly? What is her baby?


A whole month has passed, uneventfully in some areas and eventfully in others.

Neve hasn't had an ounce of morning sickness. She did find herself craving sweet things.

Her stomach was considerably bigger. She is yet to feel movement. Castiel, Jack and Sam doted on her. Dean kept a slight distance. He didn't know how to react around her now.

Sam and Dean have taken quite a few cases over the last month. Jack or Castiel would accompany them on the odd one.

Neve currently sat in the library, Sam's laptop open as she scrolled through a baby website, looking at various items.

"Uh, hey."

She looks up, finding Dean stood before her with a plate containing a sandwich in one hand and a beer in the other. She smiles at her Brother.


She says. She turns back to the screen, completely unaware of her Brother's awkwardness.

Nevertheless, he sighs and takes a seat beside her and peaks over at the screen.

"Baby things, huh?"

He asks, taking a bigger than average bite of his sandwich. Neve nods, rubbing her belly.

"Got to start somewhere. I know basically nothing about these little crotch goblins."

She says with a smile and Dean chuckles at her choice of words for her baby. His eyes soften as they notice the slight fear in her eyes.


She pauses, turning to look at him and he sends her a reassuring smile.

"Everything's gonna be fine. No first time Mom knows what they're doing. You'll get there and we'll be right there with you."

He says and she smiles, leaning forward to wrap him in a hug. As his resistance melted and he found himself embracing her affection, he knew that he'd give his life for his Sister and little Niece.


This chapter has been edited.

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