Chapter Seven

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Neve sighs in relief, yet another nose bleed stemmed. She tosses the tissue into the bin before returning to the pancakes she was making.

Sam, Dean, Castiel and Jack were on yet another hunt.

Though God's right hand man, Jack is privileged with time on Earth.

Neve had grown used to being inside, having spent a lot of her time either cooking or reading.

They were due back any moment, Sam having had called her to tell her.

Her symptoms were getting worse, especially over the time the men in her life had been gone on their hunt.

Headaches so crippling that she had been unable to leave her bed.

Nose bleeds that started out of nowhere and took a while to stop.

A cough that kept her awake at night and caused her throat to sore.

The nausea seemed to be the only thing that she could cure. Cooking her own meals did the trick.

She had just placed a plate of crispy bacon onto the table when the door to the bunker opened and voices were heard.

Neve smiled, walking to the fridge to pull out a jug of water, milk and juice. She places them on the table.

"Oh! You are the best!"

Dean's voice has her turning to see him picking up some bacon from the plate.

She shakes her head in amusement as Sam enters the kitchen.

"Thanks for this, Neve."

He says, surprising her with a hug before he picks up his plate and takes a pancake from the pile.

Jack enters next, a chipper smile on his face. He raises his hand in greeting to Neve before joining the Brothers at the table.

Neve immediately frowns when Castiel steps through the doorway, blood splattering his trench coat.

Neve is rushing into his direction before she knew it.

"Are you hurt?"

She asks. The moment she places her hand on his arm, her symptoms seemed to disappear. She felt much better.

Castiel frowns, his hand coming to rest over top hers. Her eyes find his.

"Are you ok?"

He asks worriedly and she nods with a relieved smile.

"I am now, yeah. Suddenly, I feel great. Are you?"

She asks again and the Angel frowns, following her eye line to the blood covering his coat.

"Oh, it's not mine."

He reassures her and she nods, sighing in relief.

"Well, give it to me and I'll clean it while you sit and have some breakfast. I made you a fruit bowl. It's in the fridge."

She says, her fingers already urging the coat from his shoulders.

Though he could snap his fingers and fix the stains easily, something about his Soulmate wanting to care for him made him shrug his coat off and hand it to her.

As she disappears around the corner, Castiel turns to see that the others had watched the entire exchange.

"Looks like you made the right choice not to tell her, Cas. She seems to be getting there herself."

Dean says through a mouthful of food. Jack nods.

"And your touch eased her symptoms."

He points out and Castiel smiles. He finds his fruit bowl in the fridge as she had said.

 He finds his fruit bowl in the fridge as she had said

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"And she's making food that you can eat."

Sam says sweetly and Castiel nods, approaching the table to sit down.

Down in the laundry room, Neve was washing the blood from Castiel's coat, trying to rack her brain around what she had seen when she had touched the Angels arm.

She had seen his wings.


Neve poked her head around the corner, pleased to see only Sam and Dean in the library.

"Hey, guys. You got a minute?"

She asks, approaching their table. They both look up from their laptops, giving her their undivided attention.

"Of course. Everything ok?"

Sam asks and Neve fiddles with her fingers, trying to word her thoughts.

"Have any of you ever seen Cas's wings?"

She asks and she could tell that the question took them both by surprise.

"I have. The first time I met him, I didn't believe the Angel stick. Saw those huge ass wings and became pretty hard not to believe him."

Dean explains, taking a sip from his beer. Neve nods and turns to Sam.

"Can't say I have. What's going on?"

He asks and she sighs, taking a seat at the table.

"I saw them today. Earlier in the kitchen when I thought that he was hurt. I touched his arm, looked up, and there they were. Two huge black...beautiful things. If he meant to show them to you, could this one have been an accident?"

She asks and the two Brothers exchange glances, both as equally as confused as their Sister.


Sam offers and Neve sighs, burying her head into her hands.

"Just ask him, Neve. Cas may be a lot of things, but he's honest. Plus, he's pretty oblivious when it comes to embarrassment, so bonus!"

Dean says and Neve turns her head, resting it on her arm. She nods.

"Thanks for the advice, guys. Guess there is an upside to having Brothers. I'm gonna start lunch. You guys want?"

She asks and Dean immediately perks up, nodding eagerly. Sam scoffs.

"Yes please, Neve."

He says and Neve nods, patting Dean on the shoulder as she makes her way out of the library.


This chapter has been edited.

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