Chapter Twenty Two

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Graphic content ahead!

"Don't even think about it, Winchester. You're covered in Ghoul guts. I'm surprised you even let yourself get into Baby."

Neve says, holding her hand out towards Dean. He chuckles and brushes past her.

Sam is next, planting a kiss on Neve's head as he passes her. Castiel approaches next, looking as put together as ever.

Michael and Lucifer stood off to the side. Castiel approaches Neve and she hugs him tightly.

"How are you both?"

He asks, looking down at her stomach. She nods, placing his hand over her bump to feel his Daughter's kicks. He smiles softly.

 He smiles softly

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"She's good. Me too. Tomorrow, I was thinking we could go to the baby store in town and pick up some stuff for her."

Castiel nods, pressing a kiss to Neve's cheek before nodding his head politely at the two Archangels stood behind them. Michael nods back, but Lucifer just rolls his eyes at the Angel.

"I'm gonna get started on dinner."

Neve says, breaking the awkward silence. She squeezes Castiel's hand and brushes past him.


"I don't understand why you Humans insist on these constrictions. Adam and Eve didn't."

Lucifer says, practically gagging at the sight of a baby cardigan. While Michael and Castiel roll their eyes, Neve giggles.

"Well, it has been a few years since Adam and Eve walked the Earth. Things change, Lucifer. Besides, you have a Son. Didn't you do this for Jack?"

She asks, adding a pair of white booties to the cart. Lucifer grows quiet and Michael looks uncomfortable.

"Jack was born fully grown. Kelly told him while she was pregnant that it wasn't safe for him to be a baby."

Castiel explains, pushing the cart alongside her. Neve frowns.

"And he took that literally?"

She asks, stopping everyone at the onesie's section. Castiel nods. Neve hums with interest.

Fortunately in their case, their Daughter can grow up naturally.


One day before Neve's due date. She was extremely uncomfortable, unbearably irritable and tirelessly restless.

Sam and Dean got back from their latest case last night. Eileen is staying until after the birth. Michael and Lucifer have been on edge as they know that the time is near.

Castiel has been adorably attentive. Even Jack returned this morning for the big event. Neve had an entire family around her yet, she still felt like bursting.

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