Chapter Five

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The next day, Neve exited her bedroom, feeling claustrophobic. Just recently, she went from being safe with a job and an apartment to being unsafe without said job and apartment, but had found family and a new home.

Though she was grateful for their protection, she was going stir crazy in the bunker.

She exited the bedrooms and entered the main room, not seeing anyone. Voices draw her to the kitchen.

With a tired sigh, she drags herself into the kitchen, three heads turning in her direction.


Come a collection of voices. Neve hums, making a beeline for the coffee pot, pouring herself a big mug.

The three men behind her frown, exchanging glances of worry. Sam bites the bullet.

"Everything ok, Neve?"

He asks as she spoons five sugars into her coffee. She takes a gulp before nodding unenthusiastically.


She says before attempting her escape. Castiel frowns.

"That's not true. You're uncomfortable."

He says and she pauses, frowning as she turns to him.

"Another one of your superpowers or am I just that transparent?"

She asks, but before Castiel could respond with something Castiel like, Dean jumps in.

"Going stir crazy, huh?"

He asks knowingly and Neve's body relaxes, thankful that her feelings weren't ridiculous. She sighs, nodding as she approaches the table. Dean nods in understanding.

"Alright. Let's all go do a supply run."

He says, standing. Before Castiel could protest, Neve smiles.

"I'd like that. I'll go get my jacket."

She says, practically skipping from the room. Seeing her so happy makes Castiel happy. If they all go, they can keep her safe.


Dean brought the Impala to a stop, the light purr of the engine fluttering out.

They had stopped at a Gas 'N' Sip, the closest from the bunker. The four of them exit the Impala, Dean immediately grasping the gas nozzle to fill her up.

Sam leads his Sister into the store with Castiel right behind them.

Neve grabs a basket and wonders over to the frozen food section, her mind on making something healthy for dinner that evening.

Sam goes over to the fridge that contains pre made smoothies. Castiel looks through one of the windows, wondering what was taking Dean so long to pump gas.

His eyes widen when he sees four Angles surrounding his friend. He turns his head towards Sam.


Castiel takes off and Sam's eyes follow him, only to see Angels surrounding his Brother. He drops the smoothie in his hand and runs to Neve's side, who was scared.

"Neve, stay here."

He demands before rushing out to join Castiel.

"Castiel. You are being summoned by God. Please come willingly and we will not harm your companions."

One female Angel says, almost robotically. Dean pulls out an Angel Blade.

"Like hell is he going with you junkless dickbags!"

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora