Chapter Six

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"Thanks for coming, Rowena."

Sam says, guiding the red headed Witch to Neve's bedroom.

"Think nothing of it, Samuel. I'm excited to meet the newest Winchester."

She smiles, walking ahead of Sam and entering Neve's bedroom.

Dean sat on Neve's dresser, his fingers on his chin, deep in worry.

Castiel sat at Neve's bedside, his hand in hers in worry.

Jack stood at the foot of Neve's bed, his face contorted in worry.

"Hello, boys. Well, this just won't do."

Rowena says, her heels clicking against the floor as she approaches Neve, plopping her bag down on the bed beside Neve.

"Can you help her?"

Castiel asks, his voice twisted with something that the Witch has only seen once before.

"Oh my. The Angel and the Human. Soulmates till the end. You feel what she feels, don't you, Sweetie?"

Rowena asks and Castiel averts his gaze, not answering her question. Dean stands.

"Can you help her or not?"

He asks impatiently and Rowena rolls her eyes before opening her bag.

"The spell used is one that shuts down the hosts body, forcing the Angels soul from it before killing the host and expelling the remaining soul. I will counter the spell with a strengthening
agent, stopping any further attempts."

She says, pulling various things from her bag and mixing it up.

She produces a blade and slices her palm open, squeezing the blood over the bowl of ingredients.

A spark of purple bursts from the bowl and begins to form into a smoke that makes it's way over to Neve, entering her nose and causing her to arch her back uncontrollably off the bed.

It lasts for a few seconds before her entire body relaxes. Another few seconds pass and Neve's eyes flutter open.

Everyone in the room breathes a sigh of relief. Neve begins coughing and Castiel and Dean are quick to sit her up.

Jack uses his powers to materialise a glass of water. He approaches Neve and hands it to her.

She downs half the glass before handing it off to Castiel. Dean eases her back down and she goes with a tired sigh.

"What happened?"

She asks as Rowena begins packing up her stuff. Jack answers.

"You were poisoned. Rowena cured you."

Everyone turns to glare at him, but he doesn't understand why.

"Now, Dear. You may have a few side effects. Nausea, headache, nose bleeds, that sort of thing. It's only until such events come to pass."

Rowena says, glancing at Castiel, who looked like a deer caught in headlights. Neve frowns.

"Neve, this is Rowena. She's a Witch."

Sam says and Neve nods slowly, eyeing the chipper woman.

"Well, thank you, Rowena."

Neve says and the Witch smiles, sending a wink to the young woman before picking up her bag and turning on her heels.

"Bye, boys."

With that, she struts out of the room, leaving behind an uncomfortable silence.


Neve asks and everyone, but Jack freezes. Jack opens his mouth, but Dean is quick to slam a hand over his mouth.

"Let's clear out, give Cas and Neve some privacy."

He says, grabbing Jack and Sam's arms and dragging them from the room.

Once the door is closed, Neve turns to Castiel, a cough leaving her throat.

"Castiel, what's going on? Please be honest with me."

She says and the Angel sighs, standing from his chair. He looks distressed and Neve somehow senses that. She tries again.

"Will telling me put me in more danger?"

She asks and Castiel's eyes go to hers, a frown between his brows.


He says and she nods. Though she had a right to know, she didn't want a repeat of what has happened.

"Then keep it to yourself. Need to know."

She says and that surprises the Angel, who tilts his head to the side in confusion.

She says and that surprises the Angel, who tilts his head to the side in confusion

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"You would trust me to keep something from you?"

He asks and it takes Neve aback. She couldn't explain it, but she did trust him, she didn't know why. She hadn't known him for long. That didn't seem to matter.


She says and Castiel smiles. Neve lets out another cough, one that starts a nose bleed.

Castiel immediately approaches Neve, placing two fingers on her forehead, thankfully able to heal her this time.

He sighs in relief and she rests against the pillows. Castiel places a hand over Neve's forehead.

"Get some sleep."

He says and she nods tiredly and closes her eyes.


A few days later, Neve exited her room, a wet cough escaping her mouth as she slowly makes her way into the kitchen.

She finds it empty and sighs, deciding to occupy her mind and cook, her favourite thing in the world to do.

She finds passable vegetables and steak, definitely thanks to Dean and goes about making dinner.

She even manages to find some items to make gravy. Footsteps draw her attention to the doorway.

"Hey! There she is!"

Dean's voice exclaims happily and Neve's face softens into a smile.

"How're you feeling?"

Sam asks and Neve shrugs, concerning Castiel as he and Jack lingered in the doorway.


She mutters, beginning to bring dishes to the table. Sam and Jack helps her and she thanks them.

Sam, Dean, Castiel, Jack and Neve all sit around the table, the latter all quiet as Sam and Dean talk about their latest case.

Castiel's hand gently touches Neve's as she fiddles with the carrots on her plate.

Her eyes find his and he offers her a small reassuring smile. She actually smiles back at him, placing her other hand over his. She squeezes it before withdrawing.

Castiel's hand remains on hers as she finishes her meal.


This chapter has been edited.

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