Chapter Eleven

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"You were right, Dean. I shouldn't have lied to Neve."

Castiel says, pacing the Motel room as he tries to organise his thoughts. Dean sighs.

"It was to keep her safe, Cas. She'll understand once she's calmed down."

He says, taking a gulp from his bottle of beer. Sam nods in agreement, pitting his friend.

Jack had been confused when he entered the Motel room only to find everything in disarray. Sam quickly filled him in.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and Rowena stumbles inside.

"They've got her! They've got Neve!"

She exclaims in a panting panic. Everyone immediately rushes outside, attempting to locate the younger Winchester.

"She's gone."

Jack confirms and a pit of dread fills Castiel's stomach.


"It's no use preying, Human. This place is warded top to bottom. Your little Soulmate won't be here any time soon."

The Angel, who identified himself as Leshim, sneers mockingly at the bound woman.

She whimpers, scared when Castiel doesn't answer her prayers. She regretted acting like a child and fleeing.

She could only hope that Rowena made it back to the others.

Two Angels stood guard at the door, armed with Angel Blades. One Angel was guarding the outside and the Fallen Angel remained.

"Well, I think we've given your protectors enough time to worry for you, don't you?"

Leshim asks, approaching Neve with his own Angel Blade.


"I'm close to a location."

Rowena says, her hands hovering over a map.

Castiel suddenly groans in pain, hunching over.


Dean asks, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder. The Angel grunts.

"It's Neve! She's being hurt!"

He growls and Sam and Dean exchange a worried look.

"Got her!"

Rowena says just as Jack appears once again. He looks at the map.

"She's being held at the abandoned watch factory?"

Jack questions and Sam, Dean and Castiel take a glance too.

"Let's go. Cas, you good?"

Dean asks and the Angel nods. Jack takes Sam's arm and Castiel takes Dean's.


Neve heaves, nausea settling in. An Angel Blade sat nestled in Neve's ribs, blood escaping greatly from the wound.

"Come on, Neve! Just give up Castiel's soul and we can stop this madness."

Leshim says. Neve gathers the blood in her mouth and spits it in the Angels face.

"Go. To. Hell."

She spits shakily. Leshim sighs, moving quickly and yanking the blade from Neve's side, causing her to cry out in tremendous pain.

A scream of the Angel occupying the outside of the room is heard.

"Check that out!"

Leshim demands and the two Angels watching the door open it, only to be yanked out by an unseen force.

Neve begins to lose consciousness from the lack of blood.

Jack is the first to enter the room. He doesn't see Leshim first, which gives him the opportunity to fling the young Nephilim across the room.

Dean enters next, immediately rushing Leshim. The Angel disappears in a rustle of feathers before Dean could hit his target. Dean slides across the ground, hitting his head.

Leshim returns just as Sam enters. He raises his gun and shoots rounds into the Angel. That's when Castiel enters.

His eyes find Neve's unconscious body and he panics. Jack is up and on Leshim once more.

Castiel takes this moment to approach Neve. His hands are on her cheeks before his celestial grace registers her injury.

"Neve? Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?"

All of his questions remained unanswered. He could hear her heart beating, just much slower than normal.

He lifts her into his arms, more blood seeping from the wound.

He leaves his companions to deal with the remaining Angel and moves quickly to get Neve out of the factory and the warding so he can heal her.

Dean, Sam and Jack subdue Leshim, the Angel now at their mercy. They wanted to interrogate him.

"You both go to Neve. I will bring him back to the bunker."

Jack says and the Brothers nod, immediately taking off for the exit.

They find Castiel and Neve just outside of the entrance. He is currently healing her.


Dean questions, crouching down beside his Sister, Sam following suit.

"She was stabbed in the ribs with an Angel Blade. It missed her heart by a few inches. She lost a lot of blood. I'm healing her and putting her to sleep."

Castiel replies and the Brothers sigh in relief.

Dean reaches a hand out and places it over his Sister's leg, squeezing the muscle there.

Sam could feel the worry and relief coming off of his Brother in waves

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Sam could feel the worry and relief coming off of his Brother in waves.

"She's ok."

Sam says. He didn't know who exactly he was trying to convince.


This chapter has been edited.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now