Chapter Twenty

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Neve held her stomach protectively as they waited on Amara. Sam stood beside his Sister for comfort while Dean and Castiel went to call for God's Sister.


Neve tilts her head up, looking at her Brother with wide innocent eyes.

"Everything's gonna be fine."

He reassures her, rubbing her shoulder. She nods, sending him a grateful smile.

The bunker door opens and Castiel appears first, behind him is Dean and lastly, Amara.

The baby stirs at the sight of the woman God. Castiel immediately approaches Neve and stands in front of her, obscuring her view of the woman.

"Are you sure about this? We can leave now."

He says, gently taking Neve's arms. Neve musters up a smile and grips her Angels shoulders and gives them a squeeze.

"I'm sure, Cas. Just stay close."

She says and he nods, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. He moves to stand beside her, sandwiching her between himself and Sam.

Dean leads Amara over to his Sister and upon sighting Neve, she smiles softly in greeting.

Neve senses the baby sending out a warning aura at the powerful woman's unknown intentions. Amara smiles shockingly at this.

"Wow. She is a strong one."

She comments and Neve smiles, rubbing her stomach in an effort to calm her Daughter.

"So I've been told."

She replies and Amara nods, her attention now fully on Neve.

"Dean tells me that you wanted to know more about your Daughter's powers. Unfortunately, I don't know all of them, but I can tell you what to expect to an extent."

She explains and Neve nods, eager for any information that can prepare her for her Daughter's arrival.

"Let's take a walk, shall we?"

Amara suggests and Neve could feel the wariness of her Brothers and Castiel, and turns to them.

"Guys, I'll be fine."

She says before following Amara up the steps.


Amara's fingers gently caress the flowers along the trail behind the bunker with a smile.

"Some of my Brothers creations weren't all bad. Flowers I like. Certain foods I like. Yet, he placed Humans alongside these perfections and they ruined them. I have the same powers as my Brother. One can kill the other. Your Daughter differs. She'll be unkillable. Her powers will be a combination of both mine and my Brothers. She'll be able to unite Heaven and keep Hell in check. She can create Angels and Archangels. She'll be able to travel freely between Earth and Heaven. She's a God, Neve."

Amara turns with a smile and Neve is stunned. She finally knows what exactly her child is and what she can do.

"How will I survive her birth?"

It's a loaded question, one that Neve takes to a bench for. Amara sighs, deciding to sit down beside her.

"Your baby's magic will keep you alive. Unlike Nephilim births where the child drains the Mother's life force during birth, a God baby will do the opposite."

She explains and Neve sighs in relief. Her Daughter kicks around and she smiles at this.

"Thank you, Amara. Sam tells me that your Brother locked you away for many years. Yet, you love him still."

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now