Chapter Nineteen

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"Ok! One crib!"

Dean exclaims, out of breath. He had assembled the crib and placed it against one of the walls.

"And one changing table."

Sam says, having assembled the changing table and placed it beside the closet door.

"I've assembled the nursing chair."

Castiel says, the chair tucked in the corner beside the far wall.

"I'll get working on the stroller tomorrow."

Dean says, picking up his almost empty beer bottle and takes a swig.

Neve looks around the room, rubbing her bump. Her Daughter kicks around. Tears begin to well up in her eyes and she smiles.

"You guys. It's perfect."

She says and the three of them smile at her. It was the least they could do for her.

 It was the least they could do for her

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"Thank you. She's gonna be so loved."

Neve says, but before any of them could answer, a figure appears behind her.

"Hey, guys."

Neve jumps, turning to see Chuck. He is smiling and looking down at Neve's stomach. Dean and Castiel step closer.

"What are you doing here, Chuck?"

Dean asks and Chuck gestures for them to follow him to the library. Once they are in the room, Chuck begins almost immediately.

"I came to explain some things to you. Things about the baby."

He starts and Neve frowns, but doesn't say anything. Neither does Castiel or Sam.

"Why now? You were pretty tight lipped a few months ago."

Dean questions and Chuck sighs, bowing his head.

"I needed to get a few affairs in order. Now I have, I have a few things to explain to Nevelyn and Castiel."

He says, his tone telling Dean to stop questioning him. Silence overtakes the room, giving Chuck exactly what he wanted.

"I know that Rowena told you that your baby isn't a Nephilim. She was right. She's not Human either. Your baby is to be the next God."

He begins to explain. Neve's stomach drops.


She gasps and Castiel comes to her aid, rubbing her shoulders comfortingly.

"I know that it's a lot to take in. Just give me a minute. I want to experience my creations properly. Being God doesn't really allow me that privilege. Sure, Jack could take over, but I wanted someone different."

He continues. Neve rubs her stomach as she listens to him.

"Castiel was the last Angel I created. I created him with a conscience. He needed one to watch over Sam and Dean. The Winchesters will always be my favourite creations. Add those two things together and we get you, Neve. Add you and Castiel together-"

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now