Chapter Nine

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Dean is behind the wheel...obviously. Sam is riding shotgun. Castiel is sat in the back, on the right hand side. Jack is sat back left and Neve is back middle.

The only sounds to be heard were the gentle purr of the engine and the low noise of the radio Dean had switched on some time ago.

Neve's mind was working quicker than what her brain could keep up with.

She was grateful to be out of the confines of the bunker.

She had to confirm that her friend died because of her.

She still had a bounty on her head for reasons unknown to her.

She had to figure out what she wanted to do with the restaurant now that it's hers.

Castiel could feel her racing thoughts and hated not being able to help her in any way.

"We're here."

Dean's voice pulls her from her head and she peaks out of Jack's window to see that they had arrived at the restaurant.

"Jack and I will go to the station and the morgue, get some answers, do some digging. You, Cas and Sam go and sort out what you need to sort out. We'll meet back here later."

Dean says and Neve nods. They all get out of the car, except Dean. Jack joins Dean in shotgun before the vehicle takes off once more.


Sam asks Neve as she stares up at the building in front of her. She shrugs, but forces her feet forward.

The restaurant bell above the door dings as Neve pushes open the door.

She steps into the building with Sam and Castiel behind her.

Sadie's tired eyes catch Neve's as she entered. She is quickly rushing in the woman's direction.

The wind is knocked out of Neve's lungs when Sadie collides with her.

"Oh! You're here!"

The waitress sobs and Neve's eyes fill up with tears as she hugs her friend back just as tightly.

"Sadie, this is my Brother, Sam and his friend, Castiel. This is Sadie, my friend."

Neve's voice is void of any emotion. Sadie nods to the two men before leading the three of them to the office in the back.

As soon as the door opens, Neve sees the photo of Chris and a toddler Neve, riding a bike, on his desk.

Her fingers reach for the frame and she lifts it into her hand, her grief rolling off of her in waves.

"I'll call the lawyer. I'll leave you guys to it."

Sadie grips Neve's hand as she walks back out of the office. Once the door closes, Sam places his hands on his Sister's shoulders.

"Are you ok?"

He asks while Castiel watches from the corner of the room. He didn't know how to help his Soulmate. Some things just can't be healed by two fingertips to the forehead.

"No. Sadie is in danger too. We need to protect her."

Neve says and Sam squeezes her shoulders, nodding his head.

"Of course. Cas or Jack can cloak her from harm. She'll be safe."

Sam promises and Neve nods in thanks. She places the frame face down on the desk and moves to sit on the desk chair.

She begins typing on the computer, pulling up the security cameras from when Chris was murdered.

There, in full colour, is Chris, being pinned up against the wall of the alley by two Angels.

One raises their hand and places their palm on Chris's forehead. A bright light escapes his eyes and mouth before it disappears and leaves Chris eyeless and dead.

His lifeless body slides down the wall and the other Angel turns, looking directly into the camera before they both disappear.

"They wanted me to see."

Neve whispers, her fingers slipping from the keyboard. Sam and Castiel exchange a glance.

"I recognise one of the Angels. Leshim. He was the first Angel to Fall Rogue. The other is a Rogue."

Castiel explains and Neve's eyes close tightly in pain. She had lost the last thread of hope that Chris's death wasn't because of her.

The door bursts open and Dean strolls in.

"We've got a problem."

He says, shutting the door behind himself.

"Jack hacked into the same cameras. Those Angels have body jumped, left behind two more bodies like Chris's."

Sam sighs heavily. Neve switches the computer off and spins around in her chair.

"So, they can be anywhere."

Sam says in frustration and Neve nods, standing up. All eyes go to her.

"We need to find these bastards. It's not just Sadie and myself in danger. You guys and whoever you care about are in danger too."

She says and the others know that she is right.


"Alright, Sam and Jack are warding the Motel. We'll be safe here until we come up with a plan."

Dean says and Neve nods, taking a seat on the edge of one of the beds with a deep sigh.

Castiel stood a few feet away, hands in his trench coat pockets as he stared at Neve with furrowed eyebrows.

Dean busied himself with emptying the grocery bag. Beer, ready made sandwiches, chips and of course, pie.

"Jack cloaked Sadie. That's one person down on a long list of people that are in danger. He can't cloak everyone. How long until they move on to innocent people just to draw us out?"

Neve asks as Dean passes her a sandwich and a beer. She thanks her Brother.

"Sam's gonna call Rowena and Jack's gonna head back up to Heaven to ask Chuck for help."

The older Winchester says as he shoves half of his sandwich into his mouth. Neve's eyes find the Angels

"Come sit, Cas. Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

She asks, patting the spot beside her. Castiel's feet move to sit beside Neve almost reflexively.

"I don't need sustenance to survive. Thank you for offering."

He said and she nods with a small smile. As their thighs touched, Neve welcomed the unknown tingles, feeling safe.

The door opens and Sam steps inside, Jack behind him.

"We're warded inside and out."

Sam says, catching the sandwich that Dean throws to him.

Neve looks around the room at the men before her. Sam and Dean, her long lost Brothers, new to her life.

Castiel, an actual Angel of God, one that she has grown close to in a short amount of time.

And Jack. A sweet boy who has been nothing, but nice and protective of her.

All of them, protecting her from the moment they met. She cared for them all.

"Thank you, all. You're all doing everything you can to keep me safe and I appreciate it."

All heads turn to face her and smiles coat the mouths of all four men.

"You don't have to thank us, Neve. You're family."

Dean says. Neve smiles, nodding her head.


This chapter has been edited.

One's Promised (Castiel x Winchester Sister) ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora