Chapter Twenty One

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Neve is in the kitchen, cooking breakfast for Dean, Sam and herself. Castiel was putting the diapers away in the nursery and the Brothers were still asleep.

She hears the sound of multiple wings fluttering and frowns, turning to see Chuck, Jack and two other men.

"Hello, Neve."

Chuck smiles and Neve sends him a polite nod before turning to switch off the hobs before she turns back to him.

"Hello, Chuck. Hey, Jack."

She sends a smile to the young Nephilim, who smiles back, happy that she was happy to see him.

"Neve, this is Michael and Lucifer."

Chuck says, but before she could attempt a reply, the door to the bedroom area closes and footsteps pad towards the kitchen.

"I smell eggs!"

Dean's voice calls out and Neve is grateful for the presence of her Brother as she was gripping the oven in fear.

Dean enters the room and smiles at Neve before turning to see the other people in the room. He glares hard at Lucifer and Michael and moves to stand in front of Neve.

"What the hell, Chuck?!"

The older Winchester asks angrily and Chuck sighs. Castiel quickly enters the room, must having heard Dean's yell.

"I said I would return in a month to explain things more."

Chuck explains. Castiel moves over to Neve, who grips onto him tightly. Their Daughter, sensing her Mother's fear, sends a warning aura out to the four men and Chuck moves forward, his arms out in surrender.

"Woah, Neve! Could you please tell your Daughter that we mean no harm?"

He asks and Neve could see that Lucifer and Michael were visibly affected by her Daughter's powers. She places her hand over her belly and rubs gently, soothingly. Chuck sighs in relief.

"Thank you. Can we all sit? We have some things to discuss."

Dean turns to Neve, who nods. That's when Sam enters the room. He is on edge seeing Lucifer stood in their kitchen. As Dean quietly explains the situation to him, Neve grips Castiel's hand and leads him over to the table.

Sam and Dean move to stand behind her. Chuck and Lucifer sit down opposite them while Jack and Michael stand behind them.

"Only a month to go. Are you excited?"

Chuck asks, but before Neve could reply, Dean jumps in.

"Cut the chitchat. Why are you here?"

He asks and Chuck's face looses it's smile. Michael glares at Dean.

"Show some respect, Winchester."

He spits at Dean. Neve could feel Dean's fear of Michael and glares back at him.

"Don't talk to him like that. You are the ones that barged into our home unannounced. Now, please tell us what you want."

Neve says and Dean squeezes her shoulder in thanks. Lucifer snorts at her words.

"Definitely a Winchester, this one."

He smirks, but before the situation could raise anymore, Chuck holds his hand up, halting any further digs.

"We're here to talk about the birth. Leading up to it, the baby is going to be releasing small amounts of celestial energy. That energy could attract all kinds of creatures to you. Michael and Lucifer will be protecting you until after the birth. It's for your safety and the baby's."

He explains and Neve turns to Castiel, who sends her a reassuring smile. She nods.

"Why would Lucifer or Michael want to protect a God that isn't you? Especially a half Winchester God."

She asks and Chuck chuckles. He knew he picked Neve for a reason.

"They know of your Daughter's importance to me and to the world. Our future is bigger than their differences. They'll do whatever I ask of them."

Chuck's words were incredibly vague to Neve, but she took them. She noticed how Jack looked uncomfortable and the baby sent calming waves over to him. Jack smiles at this and Chuck chuckles.

"Ok. I'll leave you to it. Jack and I need to return to Heaven."

Before anyone could speak, he and Jack disappear and Neve sighs. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife.

"Ok. Why don't you both go and get comfortable in the library while us Humans eat breakfast?"

She orders, standing up. The two Archangels nod slowly and make their way out of the kitchen. When they are gone, Neve turns to her Brothers.

"I'm sorry, guys. It's not an ideal situation, I know, but it's gonna keep us safe. Keep the baby safe."

She says and they nod, sitting down at the table. Castiel squeezes her hand and she smiles at him the best she could.


Tensions were so high in the bunker that Neve was thankful when Sam and Dean caught a case. She had sent a reluctant Castiel with them, but was grateful when Sam had sent Eileen over.

Michael was sat in the corner of the library, his eyes fixed on Neve while Lucifer sat at one of the tables, tapping away on Sam's tablet.

Eileen and Neve were sat on the table over, both on Neve's laptop, looking at stuff for the baby from a nearby store. She and Castiel would go when he got back...obviously with her guard dogs.

"How are you feeling about being a Mother?"

Eileen asks and Neve pauses. She hasn't been asked that before. She had an amazing one growing up. She wanted to be exactly like her own Mother. Neve smiles.

"If I could be half the Mother to my Daughter that mine was to me, I'd know I've done a good job."

She says, clicking back to her home screen where a picture of herself, her Mother and Chris was.

"You look so much like her."

Eileen comments and Neve smiles sadly. She wished that her Mother could be here to see her Granddaughter. Eileen's phone rings and she reaches for it.

"It's Sam."

She says and answers it. Neve nods and goes back to her browsing, unaware that the two Archangels had listened to every word she had said.


This chapter has been edited.

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