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You're lying in bed, seemingly immersed in sleep, but the expressions on your face tell a different story. 

Your face contorts with unease, your lips and eyes flickering as if caught in a bad dream. Beads of sweat form on your forehead as you move your head from side to side in fear.

Turning over in your sleep, your eyes suddenly flew open in panic. Just as you awoke, your phone started ringing. 

Startled, you reached for the device, your eyes squinting against the sudden brightness.

With a soft "hello," you answered, and a voice, laden with a hint of excitement, resonated through the speaker.

"Hey! Sorry for calling you so early, but I was thinking," A pause. 

"Can I pick you up early? Maybe we can go somewhere...I thought about..."

Instantly recognizing the voice, you smiled, feeling a surge of affection. "Sorry, Jihun," you murmured, cutting him off before he could finish. 

"I'm taking a day off today."

"Why? Is everything alright?" His voice was gentle, but there was an undercurrent of worry that he couldn't hide.

"I'm just not feeling well."

A reassuring smile on your face that he couldn't see over the phone.  He spoke quickly, his voice full of concern.

"Can I come to meet you? Do you need something?"

"No, no, I just need rest. Don't worry; I'll be fine."

There's a brief pause on the other end of the line.

 "Alright, but take care of yourself. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me."

You thank him for his concern, and as you hang up, you can't help but appreciate having someone who cares about you.


After a while, Ji-ah burst into the room, her entrance marked by a restless urgency. "Y/N!" she called out as the door swung open, swiftly making her way to your bedside on the bed with a sense of urgency.

With a gentle touch, she placed her hand on your forehead, her fingers brushing against your cheek to gauge your temperature.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" 

You responded slowly "Ji-Ah..."  your voice carrying the weight of exhaustion.

"Your mom told me about the thief." 

Her worry deepened as she took in your unsettled demeanor. The memory sent a shiver down your spine, causing a noticeable shift in your expression.

"Why did you come home so late alone?" 

Her protective instincts took over, and she struggled to hide her worry. She began to express, words battering the air around you. Before she could delve further, you interjected.

"I don't think he was the thief."

A sudden hush fell over the room as Ji-Ah stared at you, dumbstruck by your unexpected assertion. 

"What do you mean he's not the thief?"


time passes:

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