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The press conference went nicely. After all of the heated questions regarding the new album, controversies, and dating rumours, each member handled it really well. They were exhausted, so some of them headed home right away. vminkook wanted to spend more time together, so they all headed to Jimin's place.

"Hyung, Do you have any beer at home?", Jungkook rummaging through the refrigerator.

"Jungkook-shii, please come here first and answer my question."

Jimin and Tae are sitting on the sofa, with Tae checking his phone and Jimin questioning Jungkook.

"Ah! I already told you I took the shortcut when you were stuck in traffic.", he sighed and approached with two beer in his hand cause Tae doesn't drink.

"Not that, What were you doing yesterday night?", Jimin inquired as he took a beer from Jungkook's hand.

"I was with someone that I'm currently seeing.", Jungkook sits on the sofa and takes a sip of his beer.

Tae is taken aback by this and takes his eyes off the phone and says Jungkook staring in disbelief.

"Ah, really? You broke up last week and even began dating someone.", Tae looked at him dumbfounded.

"Do you even like her or are you just having fun?!.", In astonishment, Jimin also inquired.

"ahh! Why would I date someone if I don't like them?." Jungkook sigh in frustration.

"what do you like about her?" Tae inuired.

"uhh... she's good in bed!.", Jungkook grinned mischievously as he took another sip.

"aahhh! We're asking do you even feel something for her?", Jimin yelled in frustration.

"Are we here to talk about my relationships?, Jungkook expressed his displeasure.

"We're speaking up for you. You can't date everyone who keeps hitting on you. ", Tae stated clearly and concernedly.

"Many queries about your dating roumers were also raised during the press conference. And also beware of media personnel as they persistently follow everyone.", Jimin continued.

"Don't be concerned about the media. Security is quite strict, media personnel are not even permitted to roam."

Jungkook said it with certainty.



"ahhhh! right there..."

"does it feel good?"

"yesss! just like that...."

"Boss, with this picture, we will make a lot of money.", he said as he massaged the boss's feet.

"Obviously, who's idea was it?" ,the boss murmurs while sleeping on his stomach.

"Of course, you're brilliant.", he groaned as he stretched his legs.

"Stop talking and keep pressing my feet."

"Boss, I also spent the entire day in the tree with you. My feet are also hurting.", He expressed his displeasure.

"If you want money then keep doing it quietly."


"I'm sure I've seen him somewhere. But where?"

You are watching Ji-Hun from your office window while straining your memory to remember him. You dragged yourself out of your thoughts, when you heard a door knock.

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