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Ji-ah's pov:

I was walking home while conversing on the phone with Chi-won when a car pulled over besides me. Y/n came out of the car and approached me. Her eyes were crimson, and she appeared strained and melancholy. I ended the call at that point.

"What happened? Is everything alright?" I inquired.

"Yeah, let's go home, it's been late, "she remarked without looking at me and began walking quickly. Her voice sounded as if she were about to cry.

I walked quickly to get to her and stand in front of her to stop her.

"I know something bad happened. You have to tell me. Has Jungkook did something wrong?", I said with concern and fear on my face.

 As soon as I said that, she hugged me and burst into tears.


I took her home, and she immediately goes to her room.

"what happened to her?"Her mother observed and questioned.

"Eomeonim, she's tired, you know, there's so much work on the store."

"But atleast she can eat dinn..." I instantly interrupted her and stated.

"Don't worry, I take the meal to her room."



Mr. Jeon Sitting on the bed and watching an old family album of jungkook as a child and his late mother who passed away.

He then begins speaking to jungkook's mother while contemplating her.

"I did everything for him—I built this whole business for him, the big house, the plans for the future.I assumed he was content, but I had no idea that he was against doing this. Without uttering a word, he followed all I told him to do. You know, I'm a terrible father. Our son's sad face was hidden by a smile, which I failed to see. Sorry honey, I let you down. "

He was just thinking with tears streaming down his cheeks.


Y/n's pov:

I went straight to my room, fell on my bed, and started crying. I just don't want to speak to anyone. My mind was blank and I couldn't think of anything. Jungkook's remarks were constantly running through my head. I just wanted to forget about everything.

after some time Ji-ah unlocked the door as she entered my room with meals. I covered myself with a blanket when I heard the door opening sound.

"Y/nie...." "seems like she dozed off."

She sat on the chair in my room and called Chi-won, believing that I had fallen asleep.

"I am sorry, I had to abruptly end the call."

"Is everything ok?"

"Y/n isn't doing well, and I'm with her. I don't know what happened after she met Jungkook since she didn't tell me."

I didn't even realize that I had slept off while listening to her chats.


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