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There's a big mansion with the sound of footsteps, but they're not so steady and firm, rather erratic, which grabbed someone's attention.

"Where have you been? Do you know what time it is? Where did you go after college?"

The voice was strong, although there was some stiffness to it. After hearing the voice, the individual stood and turned towards him.

"Dad, can we talk later? I don't want to talk right now."

She replied tipsily and began to walk again, but stopped when she heard his more forceful and serious voice.

"No! We'll talk now, and you'll tell me how you keep telling me that everything is well between you and Jungkook."

She approached him while giving him a perplexed glance. Due to Jungkook's two-day absence from college, she went to his house to meet him, and after a heated conversation with him, she went to the club.

"...that everything is under control, and he won't ever go against what his father wants."

"What do you mean? Who told you that?"

"When his father and I were chatting about the two of you today, he himself told us."

She paused for a while, seeming to take in what he was saying, and then she answered him with some hesitation.

"Dad, relax! He always says all these things to me. But he would never do it; even if he wanted to, I know he would never defy his father."

"Are you even listening to me? He made it very obvious to his father that he was going to do what he really wanted to do. When I was leaving, I heard him say, He is heading to Seoul today."

With a groan, he placed both hands on his waist, turned his back on her around, and continued in a frusrated manner.

"The partnership about which I had been contemplating for a long time fell apart ..... "

After hearing that Jungkook was leaving, she couldn't hear what his father was saying.

Ha-yun's whole body began to tremble; her heartbeat became fast, she couldn't breathe, she placed her palm on the table for support, and her eyes began to close due to dizziness.

The vase on the table was struck by Ha-yun's hand and fell to the ground, along with Ha-yun. When his father heard the falling sound, he turned towards her.






[flashback ends:]



As you approached your office, entered, and proceeded to your room, everyone was chattering about the same news. Everyone is murmuring, and with each step, you are hearing different perspectives and reactions from the office crowd.

Everyone was divided into different groups, with some people crying, some giggling, others chilling, and others appearing unconcerned.

You attempt to ignore it, but you can't because your ear is like a path with words trailing down one ear to the other.

"I cried a lot today, and I even thought about not coming to work today." (sigh*)

While sobbing, the woman spoke to a coworker. When you heard this, you rolled your eyes, but you continued walking while hearing another conversation.

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