[ 036 ] - Mama?

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - nightmares, guns, entering, slight blackmail..


Gator woke up with a start, after having a nightmare about Hopper being stuck in the upside down. So Ezrae and McKenzie had decided to stay with him all morning.

And that somehow meant go with Eleven and the twins to see El's birth mother.

How did Gator get roped into this?

Because the twins attempted to take his Jack Skeleton mask away and burn it as El pulled him towards the car after showing up randomly at his house.

Gator knew El wasn't allowed out for her safety, so he put the holster on his right leg with the engraved gun inside it and reluctantly went with them,

Because he wasn't going to let anything mess with these girls, even though they could all handle themselves pretty well.

And before he knew it, he was standing on this random woman's porch with three hyped on candy thirteen-year-old girls that just kept pulling him along.

And they stood there patiently waiting as El rang the houses doorbell and started hitting the door when there was no answer.

"Go away! I'm not interested!" A woman's voice from inside shouted, clearly annoyed by the banging but El didn't care as she kept it going, she was determined and Gator and the twins couldn't help but watch in amusement.

"Look, I don't want your Thin Mints, all right, kids?" The woman from inside said after opening the door slightly with its chain attached so you could just slightly see her face.

"Thin Mints?" El asked confused as Ezrae glared down at the woman. "Or your religious mumbo jumbo. Whatever you're selling, I ain't buying, okay?" The woman said before shutting the door on them as Gator scoffs.

But with El still being determined, she used her telekinesis to move the chain off the door and then swing the door open as she says a determined "I want to see Mama" as the woman inside just looks at them stunned.

"Guess we're breaking and entering now" McKenzie said stepping into the house with a smile. "More like just entering, but what do I know?" Gator says and steps inside too.

"Yeah, what does our innocent Big Brother know?" Ezrae says mockingly as she follows them just as El steps inside behind them and shuts the door as she wipes the blood off her nose.

"Shut up, Ezzy" Gator says as he rolls his eyes making the girls laugh. The woman- Becky- reluctantly tells them to follow her where they come across a woman in the living room area who's sat on a rocking chair that seemed to be zoned out- that's what Gator guessed it was anyway.

"Mama? Mama can you hear me? Mama? It's me.. Jane" El says as she slowly makes her way over to the woman and sits down on the floor in-front of her.

But all the woman- Terry- kept repeating was "Breathe. Sunflower. Rainbow. Four-Fifty" even when her head turned towards El, she still looked to be zoned out in her own world.

"What's wrong with Mama?" El asked as she turned to Becky, who liked like she was going to break down any second.

"I just need a little help understanding, sweetie, okay? Can you tell me where you came from? Where you've been all this time?" Becky tried asking El as they all moved to the kitchen area but El was more focused on looking at her Mama.

"A policeman and a woman came looking for you last year. Did they find you?" Becky asked El who looked back at Gator before moving his eyes to Becky.

"My brother... Gator" El said as Gator ruffled her hair. "Yeah, she's been safe with me" Gator stated with a chuckle as Becky nodded slowly.

"She won't get better..will she?" El asks looking back over at Terry. "They don't think so, no. But she's not in pain. She's stuck, they think. Like in a dream, a long dream" Becky tells her as her eyes glance to Gator.

"A good dream?" El asks hopeful as she looks back over at Becky who nods before saying "I hope so". "Is it the same dream?" El asks as they all look over at her.

"Sometimes she says different words. But usually those. She always believed that you were out there. She always believed that you'd come home one day" Becky says as she and El start getting more upset as Gator sits there uncomfortably as he watches the twins head outside the front door.

"Well this room is far too pink" Gator states with a smile as he ruffles El's hair while him, El and Becky stand in the doorway of what was supposed to be El's bedroom, a crib in there and everything.

Gator watches as El slowly enters the baby room that was supposed to be hers before standing at the crib and picking up a small teddy bear that was inside as she said the word Pretty.

"I can get you a real bed, and you can stay here with me if you want. How's that sound? I wanna help you, but to really do that, I need you to talk to me, okay? Doesn't have to be now or today. But when you're ready" Becky says to El who just nods as Gator stands and watches them from the doorway silently.

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