[ 046 ] - Caimán | Part Two.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - demogorgan, Hawkins lab, death, lab workers, voices..


"Stop!" He heard Owens shout through the radio as Dart went round a corner and growled a bit louder.

"Bob, there's a door on your left, do you see that?" Owens asked before speaking more desperately, "That's a closet. Yeah, I need you to get in it. Now! Right now. Get in the closet".

Dart started walking further away before Gator rounded the corner after him and looked down at Dart confused.

Dart moved over to one of the doors at growled quietly at it as Gator walked over to him and looked at the door too.

"Leave it. Come on" Gator stated firmly to Dart and started walking away to figure out where Dart wanted him to go and Dart reluctantly followed behind.

"Jesus Christ...Gator?" Was what Gator heard in his head in Owens voice which made him to walking for a second and look down at Dart who's flower head was pointed up at Gator, as if he was waiting patiently for something.

"How you holding up there, Bob? You all right?" Owens voice carried through the radio as Gator and Dart started walking again. "Yeah. Yeah" Bob's voice could be heard back through his panting.

"You got a pretty clear shot to the front door. You can do this, okay? You're almost home free, all right, Bob?" Owens voice came through the radio before a loud squeak of a door being opened had gained Gator's attention because it came from the room Dart wanted to explore.

And then the sound of something dropping onto the floor had gained Dart's attention too and they both turned around to see Bob standing there covered in sweat staring right back at them.

"God. I'm going to kill him" Gator sighed at the loud noise because he knew other demogorgans- where ever they were- would come running at the noise too.

And just like that, Owens voice came from the radio in a shout of "Run!" which took no longer then a second for Bob to start running down the corridors.

And for some reason, Dart had decided to switch to attack mode and start chasing after Bob, leaving Gator to run after Dart as he ran from the other demogorgans.

Basically it was one massive chase and Gator hoped to god- well, anyone really- that they'd make it out of there alive somehow.

Luckily Bob had ended up running through a set of doors and shut them behind him, resulting in Gator being stuck on the other side with Dart desperately trying to attack him as the demogorgan kept slamming its body against the doors.

And just as the other demogorgans had ran up to them, they practically ignored Gator's presence as they helped Dart break the door.

Gator didn't know if he should attack them or not because in a way he also needed to get through the doors to get out the lab- unless Dart offered another tunnel trip but he doubted that as an option right now- so he just sort of stood there trying to figure out what to do next.

But before he could, the demogorgans and Dart had managed to break the door in and pounce right onto Bob.

Gator stepped through the broken doors and his head turned towards Joyce who has screaming at the sight of her boyfriend getting pinned down by Dart who had sunk his claws into Bob's side and had then opened his flower head to screech loudly in Bob's face.

Gator felt frozen when Dart got off Bob, only to quickly he swapped with the other demogorgans who were now on Bob- keeping him pinned and screaming in pain on the floor- as Dart rubbed his closed flower head on Gator's right calf.

Just like a damn puppy.

Hopper had ran in with a gun and started shooting at the demogorgans that were on-top of Bob while Joyce kept screaming at the sight and Gator just watched Dart muzzle at his leg in confusion as he ignored everything else.

Including the burning sensation he was getting from his tattoo.

Gator's eyes soon went to Bob as the man screamed while the demogorgans started devouring him.

Gator cared, of course he did, but in that second he ignored the guilt he felt as he stood there.

Instead he focused on the fact that the man had left him on the other side of the door, Gator could of died right there.

He didn't hate Bob, he hated the situation.. but, he still did nothing to help the man as he watched Bob take his last breath.

A sickening feeling of relief and enjoyment had settled inside Gator at the sight he could see.

And before he could feel anything else, Hopper had ran over to Gator once Dart joined the other demogorgans and had to pull both Gator and Joyce back outside to be safe, slamming the doors shut behind them.

"He's gone! He's gone!" Hopper told Joyce firmly in attempt to calm the screaming woman down while Mike gripped Gator's shoulder and kept asking what happened as Gator just stood there watching the demogorgans now attempt to break the doors they stood next to.

Quickly a car horn went off and Jonathan pulled up next to them. "Come on! Get in!" Before they all rushed into the car and drove out of there.

Letting Hopper stop long enough to get his sheriff truck and pick up Max, Lucas, Dustin, Nancy and Ezrae before they headed off towards the Byers house.

Gator breathed slowly as the tattoo finally stopped feeling like it was burning but unluckily was replaced by a voice that spoke in his head and Gator couldn't help but want to spit or vomit right there in the car,

"You will learn to command them, just like you did Dart. Just like you have before.. After all.. those who hurt The Prince.. are doomed a fate most terrible. Wouldn't you agree, Caimán?"

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