[ 074 ] - The Fearful And The Fed Up.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - the mind flayer, vines, voices, demogorgan, demo-dogs, car accident, blood..


"A trip to China sounds nice- If you tread lightly- The week is long- The silver cat feeds-" A voice said inside Gator's head said as he had got home from work and had decide to take a nap.

But then a knock came from his door and he looked at it questioning it before he looked at Dart with a sigh.

"Come on, Buddy. Hide for me" Gator said in his midwestern accent, already knowing who was at the door at the obnoxiously loud song of 'Rock You Like A Hurricane' coming from a car- a specific blue Camaro- that Gator sighed at.

"You like turning up to Deputies places unannounced a lot don't you?" Gator says as he opens the door to find a dressed up Billy that Gator eyes in confusion and intrigue.

"You're not asking me out, are you, Doll?" Gator says smirking as Billy looks over him and flicking his tongue out in amusement, "Not this time, Pretty Boy. You're sisters asked me to get you, said to meet you at some quarry, so get your ass in gear" Billy tells him before walking back towards the car.

"Alright... I'll be back, Dart!" Gator yells into the house as a small growl of reply comes back and Gator grabs the door keys and reluctantly heads to Billy's car and hops inside.

As they're driving, Gator can't help but cringe as Billy practices for his date as he looks in the mirror and wished he'd get to the destination sooner-

Was that what he looked like when he practiced too?

But that thought instantly gets tuned out once something hits the car, cracking the front window as the car pulls off as Billy tries to regain control of it but the car only stops once it's hit a bush as Gators hands go straight to Billy's head in attempt to protect the guy from harm-

Just like he did with Ezrae as the junkyard.

"Shit. Billy? You okay, Man?" Gator asked as he looks over at him. "No. Piece of shit" Billy says as he attempts to hit the car to start it up again but it doesn't.

"Hey, asshole! Look at me!" Gator yells in the midwestern accent as Billy's head turns to him as the guy frowns and hisses when putting his hands to his forehead and noticing blood coming from there before Billy gets out the car.

Gator sighs and reluctantly steps out and checks himself over to see that his right hand had been hurt somehow as it bled which confused him because nowhere hurt.

But he had bigger issues right now.

"Can you stop?" Gator asked as he watched a pissed off Billy try and fix his car that didn't want to be fixed.

"Come here" Billy said as he walked around his car and noticed some slimy texture on the window that initially got hit by whatever.

As Gator looked at it, a break of shock shot up him.

He knew what it was- at least he thought he did, it looked like the same slimy texture that came from Dart, the same that both Demogorgans and Demo-Dogs left behind in their wake and what was covered all over them.

"Don't fucking touch that!" Gator yelled at Billy who was moving his hand towards it. "What the hell is it, Tillman?" Billy asked quietly, Gator could tell he was getting scared though Billy would never admit to it.

"Just.. don't touch something you don't understand, all right?" Gator said quietly as he looked around them but a screech is heard from one direction causing them both to look over.

"Fuck. I should of brought the stupid bat-of-nails or my gun" Gator mutters as Billy gives him a look.

"Who's there?" Billy yells out making Gator sigh loudly. "You know, this is how people tend to die in horror movies. Maybe stop calling out to the other worldly being before we both die, yeah?" Gator tells him but Billy ignores it.

"Hey! I said, who's there?" Billy yells a bit louder and Gator yells at him, "Shut the fuck up! God! It's like you want us both to get taken!"

And just as Billy's about to tell Gator to shut up before he punches him,

A vine wraps around Billy's leg and pulls him, making Billy hit his head hard on the pavement as he yells in both fear and pain before the vine starts dragging him away as Gator runs after in attempt to get Billy.

Billy ends up gripping tightly onto a set of stairs inside the warehouse that the vine had been dragging him through and Gator rushes over, gripping Billy's arms as tight as he could and attempting to pull him from the vines.

But it's no use when another vine has wrapped tightly around Gator's throat as he kept attempting to save Billy, suffocating Gator enough that his vision blurs and he lets go momentarily.

And that's when the vines take their moment and pull both Billy and Gator further into the warehouse,

The only sound Gator can hear being Billy's screams of both fear and pain.

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