[ 012 ] - Gun Thief, Found.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - implied emotional/physical/verbal abuse, stalking, ptsd, roy, guns..


The next day felt the same to Gator, get up, get dressed and have your world get more fucked up.

He was standing between the gym and another building at school as him and Nancy were talking.

"So, wait a sec. I don't understand. You went back to my house?" Gator asked confused as he tried to hide how scared he felt,

Why was suddenly everyone just invading his house?

"To look for Barb" Nancy says as Gator nodded, the words like a punch to the throat. "Yeah, okay, but why didn't you just talk to me? That's crazy" Gator asked and Nancy shrugs at him, "I don't know, I.. I was scared".

"You seriously think you saw a guy in a mask just handing around in my yard?" Gator asked,

He really wouldn't be surprised if there was but the only guy he knew who wore a mask was either Munch or his own Fathers men,

Both thoughts were scary for Gator to think about.

"I don't think it was a mask" Nancy states unsure and Gator thinks back to the creature, "It had no face?" Gator asked really not wanting an answer.

"I don't- I don't know, I have a terrible feeling about this" Nancy says and Gator could feel that terrible feeling in his gut too as his mind ran back to his father.

"Oh, this is bad. This is really bad. The cops.. they're gonna want to talk to all of us now. Tommy, Carol, everybody who was at the party." Gator states, the thought of his father finding him or anyone else from Dakota finding him was running wild in his mind.

"So?" Nancy asks confused and Gator sighs. "My Daddy is gonna murder me!" Gator states trying his best to stay in the persona accent as he leans back against the brick wall clearly stressing out.

"Are you serious right now? Barb is missing! And you're worried about your dad?" Nancy says scoffing, she doesn't get what Gator means and he can't blame her cause he never told her.

"Okay, just.. when you talk to the cops, just.. don't mention the beers or whatever. It's just gonna get everyone in trouble and Barbara's got nothing to do with it, okay?" Gator says trying his best to cover his tracks,

The less people knew of 'Steve Harrington' actually being Gator Tillman and the son of Roy on top of that, the better.

"I can't believe you right now" Nancy says scoffing, "I can't believe you" She adds on before rushing away from him as Gator turns to the wall and kicks it, instant regret when his foot hurt,

God he missed the old deputy boots.

Gator was lucky enough to have hid the bruises from the vines so no one had asked about them either.


The next thing Gator knew was that the day passed dull and a new day started,

Yet he was being dragged by Hopper unwilling to wherever he decided to bring him.

"I know you lied, Kid" Hopper says simply as he drove the sheriffs car,

Gator couldn't help but get flashbacks of his old deputy job with his father and he wanted to run out the car.

"About what?..exactly?" Gator asks slowly, there was a lot he's been lying about and sadly he needed the clarification but Hopper didn't say anything and instead just handed Gator a gun,

His missing gun.

And Gator gulped and looked over at Hopper waiting for the guy to start landing a beating into him,

But it never came.

"You know" Gator said, it was obvious Hopper who who he really was as the gun still had that stupid engraving on the handle of his birth name.

"Yes, I know" Hopper says glancing at Gator before looking back at the road, "so cut it out" Hopper added and Gator nodded looking at his hands.

"'m sorry, ain't meant to lie" Gator says in his normal midwestern accent, he didn't know what to say to this man really.

"Yes you did. Otherwise you wouldn't of done it, Kid" Hopper says firmly and Gator felt like he was right back home, getting scolded by his father as he sank more into the passenger seat.

"You don't have to tell me why, kid. Just.. don't hide yourself from me again. Even though I know who you are, what you did and who your father is.. you're safe with me if you want to keep that secret, it's not my place-" Hopper starts as Gator nods along as his words.

"But, one single fuck up and I'll tell them who you really are and send you to prison myself. Got it?" Hopper says firmly as they arrive outside a house- the Byers house- and Gator gulps.

"Yes, Sir" Gator says on default as he looked over at Hopper who scoffed but nodded once back as if he accepted those words, before they hopped out the car and entered the Byers place, being met with a stressed looking woman- Joyce Byers.

Gator put his pistol in the right side of his belt so it was easy to reach if he needed it and watched on as Hopper started looking around the place for bugs and cameras.

"Okay.. should be okay, I mean.. I can't guarantee it, but it should be okay." Hopper says as he sits in one of the chairs in the living area as Gator offers Joyce a wave.

"What the hell is going on, Hopper?" Joyce asked stressed as she stood in-front of Hopper and next to Gator. "They bugged my place, they put a microphone in the light. It's because I'm on to them and they know it. I don't know" Hopper explains and Gator sighs.

"Probably a bad time but, my place was bugged too.. three bugs and a camera, smashed all of them up" Gator said in the American accent and Hopper glared at him to cut it out making Gator freeze and nod.

"I thought they might be watching you, too. I don't know, the CIA, the NSA, department of energy.. I don't know" Hopper carries on and Gator feels sick at this.

"You gotta explain this to me, 'cause I am not-" Joyce says even more stressed. "I went to the morgue last night, Joyce. It wasn't him. Will's body, it was a fake." Hopper explains to Joyce as Joyce slowly sits down on the floor and Hopper leans closer to her.

Gator just stood there wondering what the fuck he had walked into this time,

Because, God this week kept getting stranger and stranger with all these terrible things happening to and around him.

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