[ 019 ] - One Way Or Another.

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Trigger warnings for this chapter - grand theft auto, guns, assault, Brenner, Brenner's men..


Gator had made his way towards a random car and hot-wired it, because fuck was he gonna stay sitting,

Like a good and obedient little puppy.

He was going to help, god damn it.

So he tailed Hopper and Joyce, enough that they didn't see him, or if they did they just let him follow.

And the three of them made it to Hawkins's Lab, snuck in and kept walking as Hopper glared, clearly upset at the actions of Gator right now.

But that quickly stopped when the three of them got surrounded by the workers of the lab and Gator gulped because he knew in this moment,

He royally fucked up.


"Let me out of here!" Gator yelled as he has sat in what looked like an interrogation room that help one single table, two chairs opposite each other and one of which he was sat in,

Hands were handcuffed to the chair and god was he reminded of Munch in this moment and god did he want to be free.

"Fucker, I'm talking to ya!" Gator shouted as his midwestern accent came out, but he didn't care, was too scared about was was going to happen next instead.

The sound of the door to the room unlocking made Gator snap his head to it as he watched as a white haired man entered the room, closing the door behind him and walked further into the room.

The man sent loud radars off in Gator's mind, this man felt like bad news,

Like his father or his father's men, which caused Gator to gulp and squirm in the handcuffs a bit.

"We know you've been in contact with Will. And we know you were there when your friend, Barbara, died" The man started as he walked around the room, hands in his pockets and inched closer to Gator,

Who had started sweating in both guilt and fear.

"When.. and how did you make contact with him?" The man asked and Gator just glared up at him,

Gator could tell the man already knew, he could read it in the guys body language so he remained quiet.

"Six. Six people have been taken this week. Yet you came back for some reason. This.. thing that took Will, took Barb.. almost took you.. we don't really understand it" The man said as he took off his jacket and stood over the opposite chair.

And it was only then that Gator saw that his holster was empty, his pistol gone once more and the unsettling feeling came back in waves.

"But, its behavior is predictable. Just like yours is as-well. Like all animals.. it eats. It will take more sons, more daughters, more friends. I want to save them. But I can't do that, not without your help" The man says softly as he sat in the chair opposite Gator.

Gator tilted his head down so he didn't see the man but sighed and looked over at him again before laughing mockingly at the man.

"You want help? Ain't you the ones that hurt Eleven? Ain't you the ones who made that creature come into our world, for it to take people. Fuck, I mean, wouldn't be surprised if you controlled the damn think too, I mean-" Gator ranted in his midwestern accent as the man sat there silently.

"I want my gun back, Fucker" Gator added as he glared at the man while trying his best to hide how scared he really felt.

"You'll get your things back when you help us, Mr. Tillman" The man said firmly and the panic set off in Gator like a bomb.

Of course they knew him.

Was either from the stupid engraving on his gun..

Or they did a whole research on him and figured him out from the start.

"That's not- don't call me that" Gator says as his voice broke desperately as he squirmed in the chair wishing to be free and more so when a few men came in the room and had started punching him in the face before Gator was knocked out.

The last words he heard being from the man before he fully blacked out,

"You'll learn to help us one way or another, if you know what's good for you, Gator"

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