[ 003 ] - Little Rabbit.

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ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।


Trigger warnings for this chapter - graves, ptsd, death mention, gun violence, Munch, Roy, abuse..


The graveyard was deathly quiet, no one was around and Gator had let out a small sigh, he didn't want to deal with anyone today.

He arrived at the grave and sat carefully to the left side of it, luckily there wasn't any other graves around it so Gator could sit and not feel like he was disturbing the resters.

Elizabeth Harrington
Mother, Wife, Friend
Always looking on the bright side

It wasn't much but Gator thought he did a good job with what he told the people to put on the grave, he'd never really seen one before anyway so he tried to figure it out the best he could.

Gator carefully removed the old flowers and replaced them with the seven daffodils and then looked around, managed to spot Hopper watching him from a distance and an unsettling feeling came over him..

And more so when Hopper started walking over to him.

"Hey, Chief" Gator says in the american accent once Hopper has stopped to stand just next to where Gator was sitting. "Kid" Hopper greets back gruffly and pats Gator on the shoulder, Gator flinching on impact and trying to hide it with a cough.

"Sorry for your loss, Kid" Hopper says and Gator just nods in acknowledgement, because what else is he meant to say?

"You ever think it's better on the other side?" Gator asks randomly as he squinted up at Hopper and Hopper sighs.

"I hope so, Kid. I hope so" Hopper says before looking over Gator and surveying him, still trying to figure him out.

"You're still very new here, how's Hawkins doing for you?" Hopper asks as Gator sighs and stands up. "It's fine, not like home but it's fine" Gator says quietly as he looked down at the grave and then up at Hopper.

"Right, you came from New York, forgot about that" Hopper says with a laugh that sounded forced and Gator couldn't help but gulp at how uncomfortable he felt in Hoppers presence.

Not that Hopper was a bad person, at least not to Gator yet anyway, but it's the fact that Hopper possesses the skills to figure out who this 'Steve Harrington' really is, and that thought terrifies Gator.

"Yeah, ain't like that here" Gator says to back up Hoppers words, it's not like it's a full lie but he'd go with that one for now.

"Well, see you around.. Harrington" Hopper said before leaving and Gator was left staring at him as a cold shiver went down his spine.

This wasn't going to be the last time he'd have to talk to Hopper and that terrified him too..

What Gator wanted to hide though was he also felt the thrill of it,

Hopper was close to figuring him out, Gator could see that fact from a mile away and he wanted to slip, tell Hopper who he was because he felt like he could trust him, somehow.

It was only going to be so much longer till Hopper knew the truth, all it would take was to search round the Harrington house when Gator was out or somehow get the dna results from Gators fingerprints or even if Gator was desperate enough to need the hospital..

Hopper knew those facts too, of course he did-

They shared the same line of work, were both trained to figure everything they needed out, just Hopper did it legally and Gator did it illegally-

that was the only difference.

Gator was starting to look forward to the day Hopper would figure him out and come and deal with him, hell, Gator wishes Hopper would shoot him in the head knowing how bad he fucked up in the past whether he was under Roy's influence or not, either way he fucked up by his own choices and if death was the answer then he'd happily let Hopper do it.

But he didn't, he kept hiding instead.

Did he really want the truth out there?

Getting his ass dragged back by Roy and having to deal with his father and that man's wrath again and again?

Getting his head caught like a rabbit in a trap and get him skinned alive by Munch?

Getting the FBI on his case and caging the useless rabbit in a prison some place?

Gator didn't know what he really wanted.

He knew he wanted to be free, but can a rabbit whose been caged all his life by a hunter, a fox, by eagles and an owner really be all that free?

Gator doubts it.

As he should.

All he is and was is a weak and broken Little Rabbit,

squirming and crying to be free.

PULL THE TRIGGER | steve harrington ᴬᵁजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें