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Xavier pov

The next few days were silent. The littles were playing with some fights, but everything was good. I was making lunch as Theo came to me kissing me, which became a regular thing since the incident. "Trevor confessed to Steven they are together now," he was jumping off walls if he could. "That's nice. Maybe we can all have a bbq this weekend," Theodore nodded, getting his phone "on Saturday it should be nice weather," i nodded as i served mac an cheese on two plates and salad with chilly on the rest.

Saturday came fast as we sat in the garden with two grills as it slowly filled. They looked that it was safe for the littles to run around. Steven and Trevor were the first to arrive with Richard and toby. Starting light conversation when noah and Asher came, noah was in littlespace, running around the garden with liam.
Elijah and Lucas were the last to arrive, bringing themselves into conversations. "How have you guys been?" I asked as he turned the meat. "We have been good, noah, is slowly slipping more often as he is more comfortable being in a small group little," I nodded as i looked to steven. "It's good since Trevor confessed he is more open. Richard and Toby are still loud, but it's good," "You're loud yourself. If we talked about yesterday night," I could see trevor Blush before the rest answered,"we should move close together. Maybe we could build some houses around here,"


Xavier shook his head as Theo answered. "Believe me, it's a bad idea in winter. You're snowed in like 60 percent of the time Nathan and i were grocery shopping, and on the drive back, we couldn't get to the house," Nathan nodded. "Daddy, Daddy liam touch his nono and pee on tree," Asher looked at noah. "Nathan liam is doing something against a tree," Nathan started to run, cursing under his breath. As Leo tried to get noah to play blocks with him, which eventually happened as noah played with cars driving around the blocks. "Food," Jack yelled as he set down stakes and other meat. The conversation was big with 14 people on the table eating and talking about what they got up to while being separated from the rest. "Noah got stuck on the ruf once as he climbed out the window for hide and seek and lucky our Australian shepherd locked the window from the inside," most laughed but the littles were more interested in the dog part than the food or the rest "you got dog ?" Noah nodded, getting Ashers phone to show them pictures."He at home with Lisa," Liam nodded. "Who Lisa?" Leo looked up,"babysitter and maid," leo nodded as the phone started ringing."Daddy phone," Noah was away as liam took the opportunity to pick Leo up. "What you dwing?" Liam said nothing as he ran to the pool."NO," leo screamed, getting everyones attention. "LIAM GET HERE," Jack yelled, as liam let leo drop on the ground, walking to Jack, who walked with him inside.

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