not ready

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As i was walking down, my diaper started to leak as my dick was hard. I saw Xavier look at me, seeing my leaking diaper he stood up. "Let's get you changed," My eyes widened, and i shook my head he's not seeing my erect cock in the end he gets weird thoughts and is doing something to me "do you want theo to change you ?" I shook my head again as he picked me up to the nursery, laying me down opening my diaper. Seeing why i didn't want to be changed, he picked me up, bringing me to the bathroom showering me cold, which didn't work. I sat down in a ball crying. "It hurts," Xavier sighed before screaming for Theodore. "What did you do to get hard ?" I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to tell them."What should we do? The longer you wait, the more painful it gets," i shook my head. "May we touch you ?" I shook my head, backing away as they got closer,"we shower you cold once more, and if that doesn't help, you have to wait it out or let us help, okay?" I nodded, standing up. Feeling the cold water hit my skin, i whimpered, needing to pee, but couldn't. "Okay, i need to stop, or you're getting sick, i put you in a diaper and see what happens," Xavier picked me up, putting me in a diaper and a fresh onesie as Theodore whispered something in his ear making Xavier smirk. "You got hard from a book ?" I glared at Theodore before i felt a paci push between my lips, closing my eyes sucking on it.

Xavier pov

After soothing leo in little space, he got soft. I looked at the book he was reading, smiling, "You're an asshole Theodore he nearly freaked out," Theodore shrugged his shoulders, plating the food."He did freak out," i shook my head. "we need to wait until he is ready, not when we want to pluse his butt needs to heal properly," he nodded as i looked at leo, who looked at us with his paci and innocent eyes i kissed his nose making him srunsh it up. "That was his punishment for breaking two rules," Theodore said, taking leo from my arms and sitting him on his lap, feeding him. "Theodore, the guys will not come in a month," he looked at me and stopped feeding leo, whose attention landed on me. "They sent a message a few days ago that they got attacked," leo looked at me, seeing his eyes change to normal. "What do you mean attacked ?" He looked worried before he shut off his emotions. "That they will meet us in six month they will visit one by one," leo was about to stand up if Theodore didn't secure him in his lap.

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