didn't happen

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Xavier pov

Leo woke up around 9 in my arms he was scared i kissed his forehead. Jack had shown me the letter he found on leos bed and i found the explanation on their fine as he just wanted to save us from trouble he also felt ignored yesterday, which i wanted to talk to him about. After a long while cuddling, i changed leos Diaper as we went downstairs to eat breakfast. The day before yesterday after our nap, we built the rest of the baby stuff we had for leo, including a high chair. "How are you, leo ?" Nathan asked as we walked into the living room he just shrugged his shoulders. He was mute again. I sighed as i sat down, feeding us pancakes as leo got an allergic reaction. "I need an epipen," i yelled, getting one-handed shortly after using it on leo, who started to breathe normal, and his face stopped swelling. "Whats in the pancakes?","I looked that their was no chinemon in them," i sighed. "What in the pancakes?" Nathan started to list all the ingredients up "egg, peanut, milk, ..." i looked at him."What did you just say ?" "Milk ?" I shook my head."Did you say peanut ?" He nodded."He is allergic to peanut," Jack said, just getting into the dining room having heard about the commotion. Nathan looked down before he apologized to leo that he didn't know and would stop cooking things he was allergic to.

After breakfast, i sat us down in the living room watching my show. Theo joined us after a while, taking leo from my hand and cuddling him. I nodded to theo as he looked at me. we stood up, taking leo up to our room, sitting down on the bed "Leo we need to talk about yesterday night," he looked up at theo before at his hand "we read the letter you left and are ok with the reasoning that we decided not to punish you but we want you to know that you have to communicate with us if you feel ignored," he nodded glaring at us "you ignored me even if i was verbal i screamed the house together and no one came, i cried in the crib as you ate dinner," i looked at him we didn't eat dinner for the last two days. "leo can you explain what you saw when you say we ate dinner," he nodded "you guys sat on the table you and theo were facing your back to me with Jack and the others were facing me," i nodded so he knew i understood before looking at theo "leo we did not eat dinner together for the last two days," he looked at me "yes you were you were eating fish,","leo we can't have had fish liam and i are allergic," he fell back against Theodores chest "but i saw you," i nodded "i believe you but it didn't happen we were building your stuff and ate sandwiches while building that we didn't eat dinner," he nodded defeated "How about someone has to stay in the same room as you from now on ?" He nodded, cuddling theo.

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