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A few days ago

Steven pov

"Asher, can you drive the first load to the other house?" I heard a 'yes' as he walked to the truck, seeing noah walking towards me with fast steps "whats going on ?" Noah pointed out the window, where asher was parked in by a few black vans with a hardly to see shot wound on his arm. I stepped away from the window, signaling noah to tell the others to get ready to fight. I ran down to my office, getting my gun as i came out, Noah and Trevor were already killing some of, running to the truck where asher is in. i opened the door, getting in. "Hey, did you get shot anywhere else?" He shook his head, holding his arm, taking off my shirt. i tied it around his arm, stopping the bleeding as good as possible. "Hang in their i get the others," as i got out of the car, i saw a girl coming closer, i lifted my gun, shooting her as a guy jumped me from behind, trying to push a knife against my throat. After i fought him off, i ran inside, finding noah and Trevor walking towards me with noah having a deep cut on his leg and trevor a scratch over his left eye."Let's get out of here," they nodded as we walked to the van, getting seated. we drove to Richard getting the medical help that we needed before i sent a message to Xavier, letting him know about our delay. "Where are the others ?" Richard asked as we sat on the dinner table with his boy's. "Leo wasn't feeling well after what happened, so Theodore and Xavier took him," "Leo, as in Leonard surname Stones ?" A boy probably the youngest on the table and same age as leo asked, and noah nodded."You know him ?" The boy nodded."I'm his best friend Jackson Findsley," Noah looked at me. "Can we talk later in private ?" I asked, making Jackson look at me before looking at Richard and back at me before he nodded his head.

After dinner, Jackson followed me in my bedroom, sitting down on the sofa, while i sat down on the edge of the bed looking at him before speaking up, "I heard a lot about you from leo," i saw a spark in his eyes as he heard that i knew leo or that he talked about him "how is he ? Is he okay ? Did he overdose again ?" I looked at him with wide eyes. "No, none of that he is okay he didn't take drugs of any kind under my care," he nodded, relieved rather than worried, "you checked his bags right and his body, right ?" I chuckeled of what of a good friend leo had before i nodded, "he is fine, probably enjoying a bottle right now," he looked at me this time with wide eyes, "he told you ?" And i nodded,"he told all of us he is right now with his daddy and a protecter," he nodded before playing with his fingers."may leo and i like hang out again?" I chuckeled before i nodded."You may, we will stay here for six months, but make as duo's small trips to meet up with them the first one will be next week after most of us recovered if you like you could go meet them leo would me exited," he nodded excitedly "but first we need to rest," i stood up making him do the same as we said our good nights.

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