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Theodore pov

Seeing leo so broken made me feel bad. I watched him play with the bath toys after giving a bottle of milk with some morphine to numb the pain. He was black and blue. When i found him, he was out of himself his ass was bleeding, and every touch, i made he'd scream.  I finished washing his body, drying him off and putting him in a diaper and bear onesie, adjusting him on my hip as i walked downstairs.  "You want a baba buddy ?" He nodded as he put his head on my shoulder. i fixed one bottle up, sitting down on the chouch feeding him. I was the only one 'up' it was 3 a.m. as the others were in a 'meeting', disgusing what to do next. "Dada," leo looked up to me with innocent eyes. "Buddy," i tickled his tummy before letting him finish his bottle and sleep. I put him to bed, cuddling him til i fell asleep myself.

Leo pov

I woke up to someone holding me. I started to shake as my breathing didn't seem to be steadying. I felt my body getting turned around, making me look at Theodore, i hugged him, crying. "Please don't leave," i whispered as he pulled me in a hug. "Can i change your diaper, or do you want a pull-up?" I wanted to trust him, but my head didn't let me "pull up," i said, wanting to stand up, feeling pain spreading through my body, he shouldn't see me like that. "How about a diaper? i will be fast, and not look, promise," i nodded, letting him clean me up before walking us downstairs to the dining table. As Theodore wanted to sit me in my own chair, i clinged on to him, leading to me sitting on his lap. "How are you feeling?" I looked around the table, seeing everyone look at me, taking a shaky breath."Fine," i could feel Theodore glaring at me. A bear shaped plate got put in front of me with waffle and apple slices and another normal plate with pancakes and strawberries. "Sorry bud, but we just had cinnamon pancake batter," Asher ruffled my hair before sitting down. "Look," i was about to have a meltdown when noah rattled with Toy keys, i wasn't interested when Xavier rattled real keys. I made grabby hands. "Eat your food first," i slumped down in Theodores' lap, whining as pain shut through my body from the action. "Here that will make you better," Trevor said, putting a bottle in front of me. I looked at it before taking it, curling into Theodore, who started to eat. I started to close my eyes when dada woke me up to eat. "Swep, dada," i yawned around the bottle, i could hear gasps and muttering. "Comon buddy, no sleeping your tummy is hungry," Noah started to tickle me. "dada help," i cuddled more into him as he sat me upright on his lap, feeding me.

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