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Jack pov

It was getting colder by the second as everyone was downstairs, not knowing what's going on. "i want everyone to put on their coats, and buts we have to go outside."Why?" I glared at Theodore "because leo run the fuck away he could be dying right now due to the cold or a bustard," that got them mostly awake as they started to get ready we got in teams after arguing Nathan stayed home if leo came back. Liam and Xavier got in one team, and Theodore and i got in one checking the property first.

Leo pov

It was cold, and i hated that i didn't have shoes or a coat, just thin pj's as it was nice and toasty inside i wanted to cry but was scared that my eyes would freeze shut if i did. I cuddled Bear closer as i decided i needed to walk further before it got too cold. I could hear screaming from behind me, making me scared, and started running at some point. i just saw white making me scared more. i sat down. That was a stupid idea. i just want dada, Mama, and Daddy cuddling them. I started to cough and felt like i couldn't breathe properly due to the snow. The screams got louder, and i just didn't move. i was exhausting, and in pain, i wanted to close my eyes as i got picked up. i didn't care at that point who it was i just didn't want to wake up.

Xavier pov

Liam saw something in the snow screaming my name, i saw that some feet away, something was lying on the floor. As i got closer, i saw leo in his pj's with his teddy and a bag. I picked him up, feeling his freezing body. i walked to liam as i took off my jacket, putting it on leo. As we walked back to the house, liam kept on screaming that we found him. Once everyone was inside, Nathan had already a warm bath and soup with a warm bottle ready. I took leo to the bathroom, stripping him from his wet clothes as well as stripping myself before putting both of us in the tub. He was unconscious, but he was still breathing, and his pulse was a bit weak, but still strong. We laid in the tub as from time to time put more warm water in. At some point, Theodore brought me a hot chocolate as i continued to cuddle leo, kissing his head. Once his body was warm enough, i washed us up, changing him in a diaper and warm onsie and warm socks that were in the dryer. I sat us down on the chouch as Jack joined. "Nathan and Theodore went to bed with liam. i think we should put the crib in his room," i nodded. Leo was a troublemaker who didn't know any better, and that was good he was someone who i wanted to keep in my arms forever.

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