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Some time later, i woke up feeling my mouth dried out, needing something to drink. I stood up from where i was lying. I was in Theodores and my room. I walked downstairs seeing everyone on the dining table eating pizza while talking about something. I walked in, feeling that it might be a trap of some kind. I walked into the kitchen, getting a cup of water, looking at the time 6p.m. dinner time. I walked to the dining table, sitting down, making everyone look at me. "Are you ok now ? The talk must have really scared you," i just nodded, taking a piece of pizza, "we got your room finished. Would you like to see it," i shook my head. I just wanted to pass out and never wake up. I felt the itching for a cigarette or alcohol i needed it. After i ate the piece, i stood up looking for anything, and then i remembered that all that stuff in stevens office was. i ran to it, finding the door locked, and kicked against it. The itching got worse until someone came up behind me, picking me up. I got put on Theodores' hip getting carried to the living room. "We need to make some rules. First, do you need a change?" I looked down, nodding. I got changed before i got a bottle, and we sat down.

"So what is a rule you would give yourself, leo ?" I thought about it, looking at the tv which was connected with stevens computer. "Mmmh, no smoking ?" I wasn't sure, but that just bothered me the most and was the hardest to give up. Steven wrote it  down with drinking. Then he asked the others which rules i needed, so he wrote them down two. I felt a hand on my groin squeezing it. I looked at the person beside me, seeing Noah. I pushed his hand away, sitting a bit further away from him. What was his problem. Noah looked at me for a second before his head became red and looked down. In the end, I had eight rules i had to follow.


1. No drinking/smoking
2. If upset, tell us
3. No sweets after bedtime
4. Eat your veggies
5. No changing yourself
6. If you want/need something, tell us
7. No going out of bed alone
8. No adult tv
9. No suppressing your little space

The most rules were common for beginners, Steven said. To which i just nodded my head. Under the rules, he wrote punishment's making me feel uneasy.


1. Time out
2. Writing lines
3. No snacks
4. Sooner bedtime


1. Stay up past bedtime
2. More snacks
3. New toy
4. Break one rule

I was happy about the rewards until i saw the shadow peak around the corner. I got scared but stayed silent. Theodore seemed to see what happened and stood up to where the shadow was. "No, no, it huwt u," i screamed, feeling something touch me, making me scream louder and cry. Theodore came back a few minutes later. Whispering something to steven before picking me up, going upstairs, while clamping me down.

Will update every day until the 24th Dec !

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