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"Yesterday night, we went to get pizza as a guy approached Jack, telling him to hand you over," i nodded, listening to what He was saying.

"Hey, you yeah you," a tall and puff man approached, Jack. "You are the guy who has the little twink from Stones, right ?" Jack was confused and looked over to Theodore, who told him to ignore the guy."Don't ignore me i just want to talk," the guy showed Jack a gun in his waistband, grining as he took Jacks arm. "Let's talk outside Jack," a shiver ran down Jacks spine as the man said his name, leading both of them outside in an side alley. Jack was frozen he didn't know what to do. The guy had a gun, and by the looks of it, the second smaller guy in the alley had a knife as he played with it. "So where is the twink ? in your old apartment was no trace, and his family just said they made a good deal," The guy pushed Jack on the wall chocking him "I don't fucking know," Jack spit the guy¹ in the face making guy² approache from his corner. "You sure ? It would not be a problem to kill the others. Our friend just wants his toy back, and somehow, his toy always runs to you," The guy was about to hurt Jack with his knife when it got stopped from Theodore "the fuck you doing? Keep away from our business," Theodore looked bored "your business is my business if a friend of mine is involved," Theodore wanted to punsh the guy in his face but didn't "so were is your friend that searching for his toy i can help," the two guys looked at Jack than at Theodore. As their eyes landed on each other, they seemed to be in an argument "as you don't seem to decide, i would take my friend and go," Theodore took Jack, who was terrified but was masking it, walking away the two guys stopped them "we show you its not far," Theodore nodded letting the guys catch up with them leading the way. They arrived at a big apartment building which looked run down but was still lived in as a woman was standing on one of the balconys smoking. They walked in apartment 363, where a man was sitting on the chouch having small sip lock bags with different kinds of drugs in front of him. "Where is the pizza ? And who are these guys ?" The man said, looking at his two friends. "They said they can help us find your toy," the man looked at Theodore and Jack before laughing "your so stupid," he trew the bottle that was in front of him at the taller guy, who said that. "These guys are Jackson and the twink who bought him," the man stood up as Theodore got his phone out, sharing his location and the number of the apartment while the guy was still screaming at them. "Well, that wasn't even a bad idea to get them both here," the man turned around. "I'm marco, the first owner of leonard," he held his hand out. Jack took his hand as he got flung in the mans chest."Let's get you a room," he held a knife to Jacks side, moving his head to a door. Theodore was about to walk their as Jack sceamed, having the knife push further in his side. The apartment door opened as Steven and Robert walked in with Xavier.

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