Therapy hour

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When i woke up again, it was light to shining through the window, and to Theodore telling me to wake up for breakfast. Sitting by the table, the first question i got asked is if i remembered yesterday night and nodded. I stayed the whole morning close to Theodore for a reason. "Can you tell us what happened?" I shrugged unsure if i could tell them " I woke up alone and heard noises and went out of bed when there was a shadow and it came closer so i ran down the stairs seeing light in the kitchen i ran there seeing Theodore but he disappeared and and the light turned off, it came closer," i took a deep breath flinching when i felt someone rup my back "so i ran upstairs to where the noise came from seeing all of you," Everyone nodded "was it the first time you saw the shadow leo?" I shook my head "the second," Steven nodded. "We will talk about it in the therapy hour," i nodded, starting to eat. After we were finished eating, steven led me in his office. I felt uncomfortable sitting in front of him having to talk about myself. "So, how was your family life?" I looked at him and then down on my lap. "I don't want to talk about it," he nodded. "How about your school and social life?" I nodded. "Well, i have - had a best friend Jack and some others, but they weren't really my friends, just people i hung out with and went to parties. In school, i was known in some way. i got many invites and played in our football team, which i believe was a reason for the popularity," he nodded again, writing something down."How about your childhood?" I took a deep breath, looking at the door, hoping that Theodore would come in or anyone and save me." Well, i don't remember much except some bits and pieces," he nodded, writing again something down. "You talked about a shadow. Is it just in the house or other location ?" I glared at him. Did he think i was hallucinating? That i was crazy ? "Just in the house when it's dark," he nodded. Why doesn't he answer or say something except questions ? "Leo, can you look at me," i heard him, but i couldn't. i was angry as tears rolled down my cheeks. "Theodore, come here," i heard the door open and someone touching my arm. I flinched, backing further into the chair. "Can you take a deep breath with me, buddy ?" I shook my head. He took my arm, making me scream. "Leo, look at me," i shook my head. "Do you want anything?" I shook my head. I couldn't speak my head aches, and i couldn't breathe. I felt a soft plastic get pushed between my lips as i started to suck on it.

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