Love at First Sight - Charles Leclerc

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It's your older sister that insists you join her and her young family at a Formula One race. After you try to get out of it a few times it's your nephew that finally gets you to agree to tag along. You can never say no to that racing obsessed little boy. All of this means that you need to take some time off work but you don't dwell on it since you feel you deserve a break and a bit of family time. The day you leave for the Grand Prix you can't help but be excited and hope that you enjoy the weekend.


"Auntie Y/N come on we're going to miss them" you nephew exclaims while pulling you to where some drivers are holding an autograph session. You laugh under your breath as the two of you make your way through the crowd. The line up of fans is the first thing you spot as your nephew slows down to join them. "You're okay with waiting?" You ask the little boy. He looks up at you with disbelief on his face, "Auntie Y/N what kind of fan would I be if I didn't wait" he replies. You chuckle then ruffle his hair, "fair enough, I just wanted to be sure" he swerves away from your hand so you lift your arms in surrender. The rest of the wait consists of your nephew spouting off stats for the two Ferrari drivers that are currently the ones signing autographs. You are amazed by his knowledge of the sport while you only know the basics to get through watching a race.

When it's finally you and your nephews turn he skips over to the autograph table. Your gaze moves from the excited little boy to the driver and it's like the world stops. The handsome man is focused on your nephew then flicks his gaze up to meet yours. "Fuck me" you say quietly and he raises his eyebrows in surprise. "You should ask me to dinner first" he explains. Your face heats up in embarrassment. "Auntie Y/N don't swear" your nephew exclaims, he's totally unaware of the situation you've put yourself in so he continues on to the next driver.

"Y/N huh?" you bite your lip and nod because you fear that you will say something to further embarrass yourself. "I'm Charles but I'm sure your very knowledgable nephew could tell you more" the driver says so you smile sheepishly. He smiles too which reveals some dimples then he drops his gaze to scribble something on one of the pre-made autograph cards on the table. "If you ever want to test the theory of taking me to dinner" he explains and holds out the card in your direction. You blink at the man in disbelief then reach out to take the glossy card. "Oh okay" you mumble unable to form any more words in the moment.

"Come on Auntie Y/N, you're taking soooooo long" your nephew whines so you turn away from Charles to see the little boy shifting from foot to foot impatiently. "I have a feeling he won't let you off the hook easily" you laugh then look at the driver once more, "i'll make it up to him" he smiles again so your tummy flutters. "See you around Y/N" he adds so you smile then finally leave the autograph tent with the driver card in hand.

The unexplainable pull you feel towards Charles makes you look back one more time to see him already watching you subtly as he signs more autographs. You blush then turn to your nephew who immediately asks for food so you tuck the card Charles wrote on into your purse to keep it safe.


"Mummy mummy mummy!" Your sister laughs as her son runs up to her with a grin on his face. "Auntie Y/N is gonna marry Charles Leclerc" you choke on your water at his exclamation while your sister looks over with wide eyes. Before you can explain the little boy runs away to his dad so you two are left alone.

"What was that all about?" She asks when she's closer, "honestly I think it was love at first sight and of course I embarrassed myself" you start. "Oh boy" she mumbles so you take a big swig of your water before you tell her what happened from start to finish.

"Wow so you not only secured Charles Leclerc's number but also a date with said formula 1 driver" you blow out some air then shrug. "I'm obviously not going to text him" your sister hits your shoulder, "why the heck not?" you sigh then throw up your arms, "he's a multi millionaire athlete and I'm a hopeless romantic that thinks love at first sight is real". She looks at you with a flat expression, "you unintentionally asked him to sleep with you and he basically said yes", you blush at the reminder. "I didn't mean to say it out loud" your sister rolls her eyes, "but you did and he flirted with you, which is a very positive reaction" you drop your gaze and play with the straw in your water.

"What's this i'm hearing about you marrying Leclerc" you look up to see your brother in law and nephew approaching. "I'm not marrying him" you say and the smile drops from your nephew's face. "But Auntie Y/N I want you to marry him" the little boy says then comes over to take your hand. "It doesn't work like that buddy, he's a stranger to me" you explain as you crouch down to his level. "Can you make him not a stranger Auntie Y/N?" he asks with a small pout on his face.

You immediately know that you'll cave, you do every other time your nephew makes any kind of face showing that he's sad. "I'll see what I can do, but only because it's you" he smiles again then hugs you tightly, which nearly makes you lose your balance. "You're the best, I can't wait to see Charles again" you chuckle but internally you have no idea how this'll turn out.

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