Failures and Successes - Charles Leclerc

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You sit in the bathtub after a long day of working, bubbles surrounding you as you sink lower and lower with every passing second. You close your eyes and tip your head back against the tub wall with a sigh trying to rid your head of any stressful thoughts. For some reason your mind conjures up the image of Charles, your ex-boyfriend from a few years ago and you can't help but remember the moments when he would be sitting across from you in the tub during tough and stressful times. The random memory makes you open your eyes and lift your leg to rest your heel on the edge of the tub so that the number 16 tattoo on your ankle is visible. You stare at it and sip at the wine you brought to the tub, wishing that you gave more thought to it before getting a permanent reminder of his racing number on your skin. After a few seconds you drop your leg back into the water and shake your head not wanting to think of your past decisions that you can't change.

You stay in the tub until the water becomes cold and the bubbles disappear. You put on your comfiest pjs and fluffiest socks before dragging yourself to the small kitchen in the apartment you share with some friends from University. You place your wine glass in the dishwasher and then go back to your room to proceed with your relaxing evening as you turn on your computer to watch Friends reruns. Maybe the fact that you thought about Charles earlier somehow summoned the phone call that interrupts your low key evening. The number you never thought you would see again flashes on your phone screen making you sit up in shock. You find yourself answering without hesitation, wanting to hear the Monégasque's voice, "hello?" you greet with furrowed eyebrows, "mon amour" is the reply you get, "Charles" you murmur concerned, "do you think I'm a failure?" he slurs. The alcohol induced question nearly breaks your heart, "how much have you had to drink?" you reply avoiding answering the question, "I don't know five, maybe six or was it seven, but it doesn't matter because Ferrari probably isn't going to extend my contract, I've failed Jules, he wouldn't be proud of my results" the vulnerability in his voice has you holding back a sob.

"Where are you Char?" there's shuffling on his end as you jump off your bed to step into some shoes, "the usual place" he grumbles, "okay stay there, I'm coming" you reply while grabbing your keys from the little dish by the front door, "Y/N" he objects, "Stay there Charles" you exclaim while leaving the apartment and walking down to the lobby of your building. "Will you stay on the phone with me?" he asks as you slide into your car starting the ignition, "yes I'm here" you reply, "merci" he tells you before falling into a silence. You keep the phone at your ear as you drive through the streets of Monte Carlo towards the club that you know Charles frequents when he has a couple of days off from racing.


As you get closer you reassure the Ferrari driver that you're coming, not believing that after all of these years you're coming to rescue him. "Y/N t'est la meilleure" Charles mumbles through the phone, his words tug at your heartstrings, reminding you that he's still someone that you care deeply for even though it didn't end that well for you two in the past. "Char" you say and sigh, "I know we're not together anymore but I want you to know that I never stopped caring for you" he explains quietly. You roll to a stop in front of the club where people are still waiting in line to get inside, "I'm here, stay where you are, I'm coming inside" you explain to the drunk Monégasque completely ignoring his confession, "merci" he murmurs again and you hang up the call while getting out of the car.

When you manage to convince the bouncer to let you into the club you immediately start looking for the familiar Ferrari driver amongst the crowded space. As you turn to check a different location you see Charles slouched on a bar stool his back towards you. The sight makes your eyebrows furrow in concern so you walk over and place a gentle hand on his shoulder, he turns slightly and you see his glazed over eyes trying to process who you are. "Char lets get out of here" you say while leaning in so he can hear you, he nods and slides off the stool stumbling a bit. You wind an arm around his waist to help him stay steady as the two of you leave the club. Once you've helped him into the passenger seat you jog over to your side of the car sliding in as well. You drive away from the curb and start to head towards his apartment, the silence in the car speaks volumes as you wind through the familiar streets your eyes flicking to Charles occasionally, feeling your concern grow as you notice the slump of his shoulders as he leans against the passenger side window looking out at the buildings passing by.

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