The Time of Our Lives 2 - Mason Mount

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"This was an awful idea" you say as you look into the bathroom mirror in your hotel room. "Don't overthink this Y/N, it's just dinner" your friend replies while leaning against the doorway, you smooth the wrinkles out of your dress then take a breath. "What if it's a horrible time? And what if it's an amazing time?" she steps into the bathroom to put her hands on your shoulders, "relax babe, just have a good time" you shake out your arms and nod, "you're right" she smiles. You step into the main room to grab your purse and put on your shoes before double checking that you have a screenshot of the directions on your phone. "Call me if he's a douche and I'll come rescue you" your friends says making you laugh, "will do" you reply and she pulls you into a quick hug. Once you step into the hallway you take a breath, calming down as you go to catch the waiting taxi outside the hotel.

Mason is standing just outside the restaurant when you arrive. A smile comes to his face as you step out of the taxi, you dress fluttering in the breeze while you walk over. "Wow you clean up nice Y/N" is the first thing he says making you blush, "you're looking pretty dapper too Mase" is your reply while taking in the dress shirt and slacks he's wearing, "gotta impress my date what can I say" you giggle so his smile widens. "Ready to head in?" he asks while holding out an arm towards you, with a simple nod you move to his side to curl a hand around his bicep, he then leads you into the nice restaurant.

As you sit down across from Mason moments later you start to fidget nervously. "All that I know about you is your name and that you're from Canada, tell me more Y/N" you smile at this ice breaker feeling more at ease almost instantly, "there isn't much else, I work a desk job whenever i'm not watching soccer". He leans forward with his elbows on the table, "first off it's football and second i'm sure you're being modest" you smile and place your elbows on the table as well, "oh I know I just like how defensive people get about the matter in this country, and i'm truly a stick in the mud, even my friend has trouble getting me to go out with her" he lifts an eyebrow then tilts his head. "For example tonight, I almost didn't come, nearly talked myself out of it because I was overthinking" he smiles and you realize what you've just told him so your eyes widen.

"Oh my god why did I just tell you that, it's so embarrassing, let me show myself out" you say and go to push back your chair but Mason's hands go to yours, effectively stopping you in your tracks. His soft touch calms you down, "don't go Y/N" you look into his kind brown eyes and feel your muscles relax, "you sure?" he nods then moves his thumbs along your knuckles. The remainder of the dinner is spent laughing and sharing stories about one another, subconsciously making it harder for you to walk away without feeling anything.


Later you're sitting in the passenger seat of Mason's car, which is stopped in front of the hotel where you're staying. "When do you go back?" you sigh then look down at your lap, "tomorrow" he falls silent, the only sound being the soft music coming from the radio. "All packed?" you snort while lifting your head to look at him, "not at all, that's the plan when I get in there" he chuckles and it unexpectedly tugs at your heart, "cutting it close" you nod, "I usually don't procrastinate but everything about this trip is very last minute" he hums then another silence falls between you two so your eyes flicking away from his to stare out the window.

"I should go" "please stay longer" your voices overlap with contradicting statements making your breath catch and heart flutter. You look over at Mason, the man that made you feel like the most special woman in the world, your head and heart at war over what to do next. "Look I know that you're leaving tomorrow but I had such a great time tonight and I don't want to let you go yet" he explains then slides his hand over yours as if to solidify his point, "please don't make leaving harder Mason, I'm already struggling because you're above and beyond what I expected when I accepted your invite" you tell him while pulling your hand away from his. The soccer player frowns which makes you do the same, "I wish it was different" he sighs so you lean over the centre console to press a feather light kiss to his cheek, "thank you for an amazing night that I'll never forget" you whisper before finally getting out of the car. Not looking back as you enter the hotel, afraid that if you do you'll run right back to him as if this is one of those romance novels you like to read on a night off.

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