Find You Again - Pierre Gasly

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When you first got together with Pierre it was a whirlwind of kisses, nights spent together and exploring whichever city you landed in due to his schedule. You took work with you and at first you didn't mind doing everything remotely. Your family supported the decision you made and they adored Pierre but their worry would come through whenever you called in the middle of the night. What you thought was a very solid relationship started to crumble after months of travelling, working at odd hours and never being home for family events. For some reason you didn't bring up the growing strain, you let it build up until one day it was too much...

You spent the morning in yours and Pierre's hotel room working while he was busy with media obligations before another race weekend commences. In the chaos of travelling so often you aren't sure where you are in the world and with your work project taking up your focus there isn't any time to do the exploring that you loved to do with Pierre at the beginning of your relationship. There's a pout on your face as you focus on the laptop screen in front of you. In your current state all background noise passes over your head so you miss the hotel room door opening then closing. A kiss getting pressed to your head makes you look up in surprise, "you're back" you exclaim while watching the Frenchman  shuffle over to the bed before flopping face first onto it. He turns his head to see you, "come nap with me mon amour" he mumbles with exhaustion in his voice. You hum then turn back to your laptop, "I can't, still working" you reply and miss the frown growing on Pierre's face. "You should take a break you'll overwork yourself" he adds with concern in his voice, for some reason his statement that stems from worry is the final straw for everything you've been holding back. "I wouldn't need to take a break if I wasn't travelling constantly, going out to parties every night and trying to pretend that I don't ache to see my family" you snap while looking up at the race car driver.

There's silence as he looks at you with a shocked expression on his face and he proceeds to sit up from his laying position. "Mon amour" he murmurs while walking over to where you're sitting on the small couch. "I can't do this" you say in realization, he gently moves your computer off of your lap before crouching down in front of you. His hands find yours so you look into his blue eyes, "what are you talking about Y/N?" you sigh sadly and feel your eyes tearing up, "I love you so much but I've been doing this for months and it's too hard" he lifts your hands to kiss your knuckles softly, "how can I make it easier?" you don't want to answer because it's going to hurt so much. Pierre notices your hesitation so he squeezes your hands in support, a tear rolls down your cheek at the gesture. "Mon amour tell me what you're thinking" he coaxes quietly, you slip a hand out of his to move up to his scruffy cheek, "let me go" you finally say. He tenses up but before he can convince you to stay you continue talking, "I've had such an amazing time doing this with you Pierre but I think that I need to stay in one place for longer than a couple of weeks" he moves his thumb against the back of your hand but doesn't respond otherwise.

You move your hand from his cheek to his messy hair and run your fingers through the dark strands. "D'accord mon amour" he says after a couple of seconds of silence. "Pierre promise that you won't wait for me" you add even though it pains you to say so, "Y/N..." he starts with sad eyes, "the saying goes if you love someone let them go right? That's what we're doing" you mumble as more tears roll down your cheeks. "Je t'aime Pierre, toujours" you add in French so he pulls you down for one last kiss that conveys how much you mean to each other. "Kick some RedBull butt for me" you mumble when you break the kiss. He laughs which makes you do the same, "bien sur Y/N" you squeeze his hand then get up to grab your laptop. The plan being to book a flight back home before there's any chance of the break up being broadcast everywhere.


Exactly one year after you ended it with Pierre you're going on a work trip and as fate would have it you'll be in the same city as the F1 race. The colleagues you'll be meeting on location don't know about your past relationship with the driver so all they can talk about is attending the weekend long event during their free time. Of course the hotel where you're staying has race posters all around the lobby, including ones donning Pierre's portrait. The walk to your room is quick so that you can get changed and leave for the staff dinner happening at a nearby restaurant.

The hold on your clutch is tight as you walk into the fancy restaurant buzzing with noise. The hostess leads you to the table where all of your colleagues are already chatting. Once you greet everyone you sit down in one of the remaining chairs. "So tell me Y/N have you ever been to a Formula 1 race?" the simple question from your neighbour makes you tense up, "I've been to a few" you reply casually, "I guess you'll have to be our guide then" he exclaims while smiling, you smile tightly as he spreads the word to everyone at the table. The waiter comes around so you order a much needed drink to get through what you assume will be a whole evening talking about racing.

When you're walking to the ladies room you don't notice the table full of drivers. "Y/N!" You jump at the shout then spin around to look for the person that said your name. Time slows down when you see Charles then your eyes scan the other people at the table, where they stop on Pierre for a split second. The Monégasque waves while smiling, you send a small wave in his direction then continue to the bathroom where you feel like you must be in some kind of dream. After a pep talk you realize that it isn't a dream and you actually are in the same restaurant as Pierre and all of the people that used to mean the world to you, so in that moment you decide to follow your heart.

Once you walk back out into the restaurant you feel lighter while walking to the table of familiar faces from your past. Charles stands up when he notices you approaching. He immediately pulls you into a hug once you're close enough, "it's been so long Y/N" he says into your ear. You pull back slightly to see his pout which has you smiling, "I needed some time away Char" you reply and he squeezes your hand, "I know, I'm just glad that you're back" you sigh quietly not wanting to get into the details just yet.

As Charles shifts you see Pierre waiting behind him, his head lowered so you know that he's probably playing with the ring on his finger. "We'll catch up later" you automatically nod in response to the statement then sidestep him to get to Pierre. The Frenchman looks up so you throw your arms around his neck then tuck your face into his shoulder. He tenses up but quickly relaxes to bring you closer. "Je t'aime Pierre" you mumble while pulling away slightly to see his face. He smiles then brings one hand up to your cheek, "through all the hard times and however many breaks you need from the F1 circus I will always love you" he replies. In that restaurant for everyone to see you find your way back to Pierre, the one year away making you realize that you want him even though his job can drive you crazy sometimes.

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