Close Up - Pierre Gasly

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Motorsport photographer was not what you had planned for yourself as a career, but the pandemic that halted everything meant that you needed to keep an open mind when searching for a job. Your photography experience was only in soccer up until then but as the hopes of finding something in your preferred sport diminished you pivoted and broadened your search. When you saw the opening at Alpha Tauri you jumped at the chance, even if you weren't sure your skills would be the right ones for such a high speed sport. When you got the official letter of employment from them after doing a few interviews you were shocked and surprised, but also happy and excited to be able to put your skills to the test outside of the local soccer field in your hometown.


After a few weeks of learning curves on the job, you've got a handle on things with the help of other Alpha Tauri staff. You found out quickly that taking pictures of the high speed cars is something that requires a certain skill set that you haven't quite nailed and that you prefer to take pictures of the people working in the garage or the drivers walking around between sessions in the car.

Maybe that's how you found yourself growing closer to Pierre, his ridiculous posing keeping you relaxed since your first day on the job. Between those photos the two of you joked around and began hanging out away from the track. In those moments of not having to think about racing Pierre never failed to become the photographer, always taking your camera to sneak a few shots of you when you're least expecting it. Even though you complained whenever he would point the lens at you, they were never serious enough for him to stop.

Somewhere in those weeks of learning about him on nights off you started to feel something other than friendship. You denied all of the feelings when you remembered the contract you signed outlining what you could and could not do, getting involved with the drivers was bolded and at the top of the do not do list. You didn't realize how attached you got until you woke up in Pierre's arms after another long evening of talking, laughing and growing closer. That's when you make the decision to pull away from the driver, not willing to put your job at risk over a crush that can never amount to anything other than friendship.


Another race weekend comes and you're walking around on the Saturday, your camera in hand. You wonder if anyone has noticed that you're unusually quiet as you take your photos of the various employees. But you don't think about what you're holding back from the people that have become a family to you, you just walk around keeping your eyes out for a perfect photo opportunity. For once during this whole pandemic you're grateful that the mask you wear covers the majority of your face, making it easier to hide your emotions as you think about the fact that this is one of your last race weekends with Alpha Tauri.

When you're stationed near the pit wall later that day you see movement from the corner of your eye so you turn and see Pierre stepping under the bars, he turns his head and you quickly hold up your camera to capture the moment, his eyes on you, his mask not quite hiding the fact that he's smiling. Once you lower your camera he winks at you cheekily making you blush under your mask, he continues on to sit on one of the stools at the pit wall going over some data making it easier for you to escape. As you walk back towards the paddock to download your photos you can't help but think about the Frenchman who never fails to make your heart flutter. You haven't told him your news and you'll probably wait until the last second possible, not ready to say goodbye to him. As you're going through the photos you took throughout the day you can't help but stop on the latest one you took, your eyes going to Pierre's bright blue ones that convey way more than any words could. You shake your head seconds later and quickly send the photos to the social media manager hating that he has this hold on your emotions after only three months.

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