Complicated - Daniel Ricciardo

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You met Daniel by accident during a factory tour. You weren't watching where you were going behind the tour guide which resulted in you walking right into the Australian driver. You didn't expect to feel as much as you did when looking into his dark eyes, but your breath caught when he smiled, not yet knowing how he would flip your world upside down. You left the tour with a smile on your face and his number in your phone, the friends that came on the tour with you teasing you endlessly about it. At home that night you spent hours texting with the Australian, night turning into morning way quicker than you imagined. A permanent smile stayed on your face for days after.

You might've been too naïve when you got pulled into Daniel's world only one month after meeting him during that tour. You were blinded by the glitz and glamour that came with travelling around the world with the Aussie, never seeing the obvious signs that everything you were experiencing was too good to be true. Your friends wanted you to be happy, but they knew that this was not the way to accomplish that, the overwhelming lifestyle that you adopted seeming to bury any dreams that you had before meeting the F1 driver. When Daniel invited you to your first team event a few months into your relationship, you started to realize the changes you been through, from your mindset to the way you dressed, not able to recognize yourself as you scrolled through your Instagram profile.  That might've been all it took to shed away the rose coloured glasses you've been wearing while following Daniel around the world for his career.


It's a week after the team event and you're sitting in your hotel room by the window. The gloomy weather and rain tying into your mood perfectly as you pull your legs up onto the chair your chin on your knees, a frown on your face. "Y/N" you turn your head towards Daniel, "you okay?" he asks while walking over, you shrug and he crouches down to be level with you. "What's wrong? And don't say nothing because I've noticed your change of mood these past few days" you look into his dark eyes and see the concern in them. Your bottom lip trembles before you feel a lone tear roll down your cheek, Daniel brings his thumb up swiping it away gently, "talk to me Y/N" he murmurs.

"Did you know that I studied to become an architect?" You ask the Australian, he raises his eyebrows in surprise, "yeah I know right, shocking" you add and let out a short laugh. "Why didn't I know that?" you shrug, "so much was happening in your world, must've gotten lost" he takes your hand and laces his fingers with yours, "why did it only come out today?" you bury your head into the crevice between your legs, "because I lost her" you murmur, but it comes out muffled preventing Daniel from hearing your statement. "I didn't catch that babe" he says making you look up, your cheeks glistening with fresh tears, "I'm not that hardworking, determined and quirky girl anymore, I've lost her and have become a cookie cutter" a worried crease appears between his eyebrows as he places a hand on your knee, "what are you talking about?" you shake your head and hiccup through the tears. "This person you've been with for the past few weeks is an imposter, I used to care about more things than just my latest outfit and what others thought about me on social media, I used to draw all of the buildings that I would one day design and create, I never wore makeup, I was my comfiest in sweatpants and oversized tshirts" you explain with a watery smile.

The driver rubs your knee soothingly, "there's still some of her in you, I see it when you're at the track with me, the concentration when you try to learn the most you can about rules, the cars and everything surrounding you". You sniffle and bring your sleeve over your hand to wipe your wet cheeks, "you've seen that, I thought I was being discreet about it" he chuckles which makes you laugh. "Nah beautiful I notice those small things about you" he says, "Dan I've had such a great time with you these past few months but I've forgotten that I want to be an architect, I've always wanted that for myself" you tell the Australian, who's smile slips slightly, "what are you saying?" a sad smile comes to your face, "I need to leave this world, or I'll never get her back" the smile leaves his face completely. You move a hand to his face brushing your thumb along his stubbly cheek, "I care about you so much Dan, more than I've ever cared about anyone in my life which is why I need to do this" he nods and you slip out of the chair pulling him up to stand. "I understand Y/N, doesn't mean that it hurts any less" you step into him your arms wrapping around him in a hug, "thank you for everything Danny" you murmur and he surprises you when he kisses the small number 3 tattooed behind your ear, "always here for you" he says quietly leaving you a mess as you let go and gather your things to get to the airport on time for the flight you booked the night before when you planned this whole confession. As you're leaving the hotel room you look back one last time at the Australian, you smile and he winks cheekily making you giggle and walk out completely, the door closing with a click before you go to the elevator ready to begin a new but somewhat familiar chapter of your life.


A few years later you're back in the world that you love, in a position that makes you proud of how far you've come. The pantsuit you're wearing feels constricting as you pose for some photos at the event that will unveil the first project that you were leading, an arts school in Italy for underprivileged kids. Your eyes scan the crowded space just outside the building spotting some colleagues, your family and your two closest friends from your hometown. You smile feeling like you are where you're meant to be, succeeding in the field of your dreams ready to celebrate a huge milestone in your career, and yet a feeling that something is missing tugs at you while you have a moment away from the guests.

"I think the architect knew what she was doing" it's as if someone heard your thoughts when the familiar voice speaks behind you. After taking a deep breath you turn around. Daniel is smiling at you his brown eyes taking you in, you take a moment to do the same, his dress shirt and pants fitting to perfection making you weak at the knees while you bite your bottom lip. "How did you even find out?" You ask the F1 driver, "I saw an article about it, it mentioned your name so I did some digging and here I am" he replies. You smile at him, "I'm happy that you found that article" he smiles wider, "yeah?" You nod and while looking into his eyes you realize that he's what's missing.

He steps towards you leaving less than a foot between the two of you, his fingers find your hair, "I like it like this, more natural" you blush as he then moves a piece of it behind your ear, his finger stopping where the number 3 still sits, "I did a full revert to how it looked before I did all of that crap to it" he moves his other hand to your lower back pulling you flush to him as he brings his lips right up to your ear, "I've missed you Y/N" he murmurs. A shiver moves down your spine at his quiet words, "Dan" you reply with uncertainty in your voice, he pulls away slightly to catch your chin with his thumb and forefinger, "haven't we grown enough to make this work" you look into his dark eyes and smile, "I love you" his eyes widen, "what?" you pull his hand away from your chin, gently taking it in yours, "being away from you for this long made me realize that you mean way more to me than I thought" he smiles at you, "I mean I did get your racing number tattooed onto my skin, I don't know why it took this long to figure it out" you add with a laugh. "Y/N" he says, "yeah?" you ask, "stop talking" he murmurs before lowering his head to press his lips to yours. 

"Ms. Y/L/N its time for your speech" you pull away from Daniel at the voice, you look over to see one of the assistants smiling at you unsurely. "Oh god, thank you so much" you say and she nods before walking away, you smile at the Australian, "i'll be right back, don't leave" he nods and you surge forward to kiss him one last time before walking towards the small platform that has been set up for the event. As you make your way to the front of the crowds you can't help but smile, feeling as if everything has finally fallen into place after so many complications in your life, career and otherwise. A hand pulls you to a sudden stop, you gasp in surprise as you look back, Daniel is there smiling, "I love you too Y/N" he says and brings your hand up to press his lips to your knuckles. You grin and squeeze his hand before letting go to go make your speech to the waiting crowd, a jump in your step as you walk up to the small podium, ready to introduce your masterpiece. 

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