Masked Man 3 - Mason Mount

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You know your friend's sister works in sport but that's the extent of your knowledge. When she invites you two to a charity fundraiser her workplace is putting on your friend immediately says yes and convinces you that it's a great idea. You wonder how you haven't gotten better at saying no to her after so many times she has convinced you to go to places that aren't necessarily your comfort zone. The only reason you said yes to the fundraiser is because you know your friend's sister would never let you forget it if you bailed. None of you could predict how the night would unravel.


"It's black tie right?" You ask your friend, "yeah but this time there's no masks necessary" she replies then wiggles her eyebrows. You roll your eyes at the expression that reminds you of the mystery man from a couple of weeks ago. "Will you stop that already, I'm thankful for the great night but I've moved on" she sees your annoyed expression so she frowns. "I can't help it Y/N, you were so happy after that night and not stressed about work for once, it was a really good look on you" she explains. You smile then continue to strap on your heels, "getting laid can do that to a person" she laughs in response. When you are both ready you leave the flat and slide into the waiting UBER that will take you to the fundraiser venue.

The minute you two step into the event you're ambushed by your friend's sister. "You made it! Welcome to the Manchester United Fundraiser ladies, there's a bar at the back, a silent auction table at the front and fun to be had" she exclaims then hugs you tightly. "Thanks sis, now what's the gossip?" your friend asks so you lift a curious eyebrow, "these footballers always have some kind of drama" she adds under her breath when she see your confused expression. "Nope no gossip allowed tonight, so behave and don't make me look stupid" she says with a serious expression on her face. "Aye aye captain" you laugh at your friend's very not serious salute. "I'll keep her in check" your friend's sister smiles thankfully at you then leads you two to your assigned table.

"I knew there'd be footballers here but I didn't think they'd all be so fit" your friend says as you two walk up to the bar after dropping off your belongings at your assigned table. "You should tell their wives and girlfriends the same thing" you reply so she rolls her eyes then nudges your shoulder. "Whatever let's get drinks" you nod then turn to the bartender to request your go to drink. Your friend does the same then you both turn back towards the crowded event space. "How can you tell who's a footballer, everyone looks the same to me" you suddenly ask while scanning the many men in black suits. "If you don't think my sister gave me a crash course on every player you don't know her as well as I thought" she replies so you frown then grab your drink off the bar. "Let's go back to the table so you can enlighten me a bit before I embarrass myself" she laughs but doesn't object as you start to walk back to the table.


The speeches conclude so you decide to take a look at the auction items. Your friend elects to stay at the table to chat with her sister. As you take the time to read through each item or experience you hear footsteps but don't think anything of it. "Mystery girl?" a voice asks. You tense up at the question, close your eyes then take a breath before turning around. The familiar pair of brown eyes are trained on you, no mask hiding them this time around. "Mystery man" you breath out so he smiles, which shows off his dimple. "What are you doing here?" you shrug, "my friend's sister works for the team, she invited us" he lifts his eyebrows in surprise. "What about you? Who do you know here?" he shrugs too then avoids your eyes, "I play for the team" you freeze up again because of his reply. "That're a...shit" you stutter nervously and immediately look for a way out. He frowns then tries to take your hand but you step back before he can, "I'm sorry I can't" you add. The man opens his mouth to speak but you spin around and head back to your table before he can say anything.

You appear by your friend's side in a flurry of panic and clammy hands. "Woah what's wrong?" She asks when she sees your expression. "He's here, the guy from the masquerade" you whisper so her eyes widen. "What! Where?" you take a deep breath then point him out. "Fuuuuuck Y/N that's Mason Mount" you suck in a breath at the response, "his name is Mason?" she swears under her breath then takes your hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." you shake your head to dismiss her apology. "Don't be sorry it makes it easier to avoid him now" she frowns then pulls you to sit down, "wait don't do that" you roll your eyes, "it's not like it's gonna work out".

She huffs then turns to her sister, "is Mason seeing anyone?" she asks. Her sister shakes her head, "he hasn't found anyone but he keeps talking about a girl he met at some kind of masquerade party" your breath hitches in response to the answer. "He's hung up on a girl he doesn't know?" your friend prods, "I overheard him talking about how she understood him and made him laugh" she says "he deserves someone like that, he's been struggling lately with the never ending injury rehab and the stupid gossip circulating" she adds then swears. "I said no gossip yet here I am telling you about a footballer's private life" your friend's grin is massive and her hold on your hand is rock solid. "Do you think he would do whatever it takes to find her and make her his?" you glare at your friend who chooses to ignore the look and lean towards her sister. "I mean Mason's very determined at everything he does so this wouldn't be any different I suppose" you slouch in your seat then bring your fingers up to rub your temples to alleviate the headache that is sure to form after all of this nonsense.

They continue to talk about Mason but it becomes too much so you stand up. The two women look up at the sudden movement with raised eyebrows. "I need some air" you mumble then grab your purse as you leave the crowded event space. Once outside the slight chill in the evening air is a relief as you take a deep breath, close your eyes and tilt your head back. After a couple of seconds you open your eyes then lower your head.

"You shouldn't be outside it's cold" the voice makes you jump then spin around. Mason is at the door with his hands in his pockets and now that he mentions the temperature you wrap your arms around yourself to attempt to stay warm in your sleeveless dress. "It's too warm in there" you reply and watch him walk over to where you're standing. He starts to shrug off his suit jacket but you hold out your hands, "you don't need to" he ignores you and drops the jacket onto your shoulders. The immediate warmth it provides makes your shoulders lose their tension.

"Why'd you run away?" he asks, you can't bring yourself to look at him, "because we weren't supposed to see each other again, learn each others names or find out about our careers" you reply. "Who said anything about names?" you sigh then finally turn to him, "my friend unintentionally told me your name Mason". He smiles at your statement then takes your hands, engulfing them with his larger ones. Your belly flutters at his touch but you try not to show any reaction on your face. "What if this is how it's meant to be? We find each other again and give a fair shot" he exclaims. "Are you serious? You play for Manchester United! I'm pretty certain my nine to five lifestyle isn't a fit for you" the exasperation in your voice clear to the both of you in the silence of the evening.

He lets go of your hands to bring his up to either side of your face, "what you don't understand is that my night with you was the best thing that has happened to me since I moved to Manchester" you look into his dark eyes to spot the lie but all you can see is longing and sincerity.  "I'm absolutely terrified Mason" he brushes his thumbs against your cheeks in response, "you think I'm not? I know my career isn't ideal for a relationship, and I know that at any point you could leave because I'm never around but all of that fear is worth it if I get to spend many nights, days and every moment between feeling the same happiness I did that one night weeks ago" he explains with a passion that makes your breath catch. "Do you really mean that?" he lowers his head to brush his nose against yours, "fuck yes mystery girl" you smile, "my name is Y/N" he sucks in a breath at the official introduction. Before he can say anything you bring a hand up to pull him down for a very anticipated kiss.

Mason lowers his hands to be able to tug your body flush to his. You relax into his embrace and don't realize until now how much you missed it. A smile comes to your face which breaks the kiss. "I think that we should go back inside Y/N" you drop your hands to his chest, "only if you say my name again" he takes your hands again before speaking, "Y/N" you giggle and he presses a kiss to your hand then proceeds to tug you back into the fundraiser.


That night is when you decide that if Mason is willing to make that leap even though he's scared of the potential heartbreak, you will do the same because he's right about that evening being one of the best ones. You don't want to miss anything with the footballer and it took a masked party to truly unveil how much you are willing to risk for a love that lasts.

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